Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Oxo-biodegrable technology makes plastic so easy to decompose

Application of Oxo-Biodegradable technology capable of making plastic so easy to decompose that make plastic became more environmentally friendly. "Oxo-biodegrable technology is able to make plastic is environmentally friendly and safe for groceries," said Head of Marketing Department of Sinar Joyoboyo Plastics, Gilang Yogantoro, on Monday, July 13, 2015.

He explains in Ramadan (Muslim fasting month) the plastic consumption is increasing, but unfortunately many traders who do not understand about the safety of plastic that is used to wrap food.
Can plastic really be eco-friendly? (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1GT9JtB)
"Often, we found the food vendors are still using plastic bags are not safe because it comes from recycled materials," he added. Plastic is not safe for food packaging, especially in hot conditions such as meatball soup, noodle soup, porridge and various types of fried hot.
'Know Your Plastics' chart. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1KsSPqM)
Relatively high temperatures that come from foods may help the migration of plastic chemicals into the food. Migration is the movement of hazardous chemical substances obtained from packaging into foodstuffs, which is influenced by four factors namely the speed of migration, the food, the type of plastic material and temperature, as well as the length of exposure.

Gilang explain one of the harmful substances found in plastics are not safe for food is a substance Ptalat Dioctyl. Those substance store benzene, a chemical solution that is difficult to digest in the human digestive tract. Benzene also can not be excreted through feces or urine, as a result of these substances are increasingly piled up and wrapped by body fat and can trigger cancer.

General Manager of Joyoboyo Plastics, Handoko Sidhartha, said it carried out the safe plastic education for the communities in Central and West Java throughout Ramadan 1436 H. "The goal is to educate and increase public insight on the plastics according to the type and function through the campaign of 'Kenali Plastikmu or Know Your Plastics'," Handoko said. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ANTARA NEWS]
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