Sunday, July 12, 2015

Is it true Eshima Ohashi is the most extreme flyover in the World?

Eshima Ohashi Bridge is a two lane concrete road bridge connecting the city of Matsue in Shimane Prefecture with Sakaiminato in Tottori Prefecture in Japan. With a length of 1.7 km and a width of 11.7 meters, this is the world's largest rigid frame bridge, and also the third largest bridge in the world.
Eshima Ohashi Bridge in Japan. (Picture from:
In recent months, this bridge has been the center of uncommon attention. Because it is used in an advertisement of Daihatsu Motor Co. for their Tanto Minivan.
By using the camera trickery, the road on Eshima Ohashi Bridge made as if highly skewed so that the viewers believe that the extraordinary steep bridge. (Picture from:
By using the camera trickery, the road on Eshima Ohashi Bridge made as if highly skewed so that the viewers believe that the extraordinary steep bridge and to show that Daihatsu's minivan was very strong to pass through heavy terrain.

However, the bridge actually has a fairly comfortable slope is 6.1% of the Shimane Prefecture and 5.1% of the Tottori Prefecture. See the video here:
Those very steep impression could arise by utilizing the camera effect. Then the bridge's slope news has been exaggerated by the media, so there is a presumption when driving in Eshima Ohashi Bridge like walking on a roller coaster track. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | OTOBLITZCLASSIC.COM]
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