Monday, June 22, 2015

This is the shortest flight in the World

How long is the shortest flight time you've ever tried? If you've ever tried to fly with Loganair, then the answer is less than one minute. Yes, the flight connecting two islands located in the north of Scotland, Westray and Papa Westray, which are included in the Orkney islands, it was very short. Both islands were separated by the sea with a distance of 2.75 km.
An illustration of the Commercial aircraft cabin. (Picture from:
There are other transportation alternatives using boats and speed boats, but when the waves are too fierce, flying is the best way. The flights operated by the Loganair, it generally takes two minutes. But when the wind blows at the ideal speed, the flight time becomes shorter. Just 47 seconds.
Aerial photograph showing Papa Westray Airfield and Westray Airfield in Orkney. (Picture from:
Despite a brief, by no means cheap airline tickets. Once flying, tickets priced at approximately US $30, and of course there is no food service in the aircraft during the short flight.

As reported by the Daily Mail, the Loganair passengers of both islands are mostly teachers in Orkney Islands or the medical personnel and patients from the Scotland's National Health Service. The island of Papa Westray habited approximately 70 people, and there are about 60 archaeological sites there.

Loganair, on the other hand, has operated a liaison both islands since 2011. They have a flight schedule once every two days, and is very popular for tourists who stay on the main island of Orkney. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILYMAIL]
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