Sunday, June 14, 2015

The latest Batmobile appeared more cool and sophisticated

If some time ago we showing to you the figure of the Batmobile in 'Suicide Squad' movie, so on this occasion we will deliver the latest figures from the Batman's car.

The original figure of Batmobile that appeared in the 'Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice' movie, officially introduced at the Warner Bros (WB) booth at the 2015 Licensing Expo in Las Vegas, Tuesday, June 9, 2015. The latest Batmobile has a new design on the front and middle, and different from some of the photos that circulating on the internet ever since last year.
Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice. (Picture from:
The introduction of the latest Batmobile to the public in Las Vegas so that was first performed, before the figure of Batman's combat car just appeared in spyshot and digital images. Can now be caught, as in the story, the latest Batmobile moves using a prototype hybrid system which combined the military and civilian technologies.
The 'Batman v Superman' Batmobile appeared at The 2015 Licensing Expo in Las Vegas. (Picture from:
Not explained more specifically of the engine but it's clear the car with a length of 6 meters and a width of 3.6 meters is able to be driven up to 329 kph. Used as an assault vehicle, the Batmobile has a variety of weapons, one of which intimidating is the weapon with 50 mm caliber.
Cockpit view of the latest Batmobile. (Picture from:
Not just attack, three-ton car also has the ability to defend. Among them, bulletproof steel shell, active protection, anti-ballistic missiles, and incognito mode. All of the specifications is Wayne Industries typical technology.
With the emergence of this new Batmobile may be increasingly our curiousity about how the car's action in that movie. We'll wait and see ...! *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | GIZMODO]
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