Saturday, June 6, 2015

Predicted by the end of this century, Everest will not have ice again

Through a study, scientists predict that by the end of the 21st century glaciers in Everest will be much reduced. In the worst case scenario, the number of glaciers will be lost could reach 99.9 percent or practically disappear.

"Glacier change signal in the future is clear, certainly continue and likely increase its velocity along the projected temperature rise," said Joseph Shea, a glacier hydrology expert of the International Center for Integrated Mountain Development, which conducted the study.
Researchers taking measurements in the Mera Glacier region of the Dudh Kosi basin. (Picture from:
Glaciers contain large amounts of water. The loss of glaciers in the short term it will make the water seem abundant. However, in the long term, the loss of glaciers will make citizens about the water supply shortage.

Not only that, the loss of glaciers will trigger a landslide and earthquake. Rapid melting of glaciers will also trigger flooding. The volume of water that flooded up to 100 times greater than normal.

EurekaAlert! reported on Wednesday, May 27, 2015, Shea and his colleagues used data obtained from weather stations around Everest through monitoring for 50 years for the study. They then do modeling and calibration to determine the fate of the glaciers in the future.

The research revealed that in 2100, Everest can actually be an area that had no ice. The research results published in the journal The Cryosphere on Wednesday, May 27, 2015 last. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | EUREKALERT!]
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