Thursday, June 18, 2015

Know the Space Weather

Maybe before, we have to know the difference between weather with climate. According to the science of meteorology and climatology, weather is the state of the air in certain areas with a relatively short time. Meanwhile, the climate is the average weather conditions in a wide area with relatively long time.
Coronal mass ejection. (Picture from:
Now, we would like to invite you to know the "Space Weather". Space weather becomes very important to understand because of the increasing amount of human dependence on space-based technologies.

Space Weather is a state that shows the activity of the sun, the condition of interplanetary space, magnetosphere, thermosphere and ionosphere, with the sun as the primary mover.

How space weather happens?
Space weather happens all the time. The sun constantly emits electromagnetic radiation and charged particles. Sometimes the intensity is higher when there is a transient phenomenon in the Sun as flares, prominensa, coronal mass ejection (CME), and coronal hole. In addition to coming from the Sun, the charged particles can also be cosmic rays coming from outside the solar system better than our own galaxy or other galaxies.
Illustration of technological infrastructure affected by space weather events. So much of our modern technology is at risk from space weather, including satellites, communications and power grids. Airline passengers flying over the poles and astronauts can also be adversely effected. Studying the causes and effects of space weather can help us to better predict these events and to take precautions to minimize their impacts. (Picture from:
What are the effects of dynamics space weather? 
The ratio of 1% expressed positive impact that we can see, namely the creation of the aurora phenomenon. While 99% are negative effects, including: damage to the spacecraft such as satellites and navigation systems, affect the safety of astronauts in space. In the long term will be affect the Earth's climate in the form of an increase in the concentration of ozone in the stratosphere due to the increased intensity of X-ray and EUV at the peak solar activity. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE WATCHER]
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