Tuesday, May 19, 2015

The evidence of pre-Columbus trade was found

Christopher Columbus's status as the discoverer of the Americas sued. Historical evidence shows precisely the opposite, there are already many foreign nations to set foot there before October 12, 1492.

More recently a number of bronze artifacts found in a 1,000-year-old home in Alaska. The findings becoming evidences, that the trade has existed between the East Asia with the region called New World (America).
Archaeologists working at the Rising Whale site at Cape Espenberg, Alaska, have discovered several artifacts that were imported from East Asia. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1GOHP7R)
The archaeologists found these artifacts at the 'Rising Whale' site near Cape Espenberg. "From a distance, the site looks like a whale surfacing," said Owen Mason, a researcher from the University of Colorado, who took part in the excavation at the site, as quoted by LiveScience on Friday, April 17, 2015.
This map shows possible trade routes that archaeological and historical evidence, gathered over the past 100 years, have teased out. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1GOHP7R)
The latest findings combined with other findings generated within the last 100 years shows that the merchandise, as well as the idea, until in Alaska of the East Asian civilization - long before Christopher Columbus arrived in the Caribbean Sea in 1492.

"We see the evidence of interaction, directly with the 'high civilization' such as China, Korea, or Yakutia - a region in Russia," said Mason.
One of the bronze artifacts is pictured here. It may have originally been used as a buckle or fastener although its use when it reached Alaska may have been different. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1GOHP7R)
The 'Whale Rising' findings including two bronzes artifacts, one of which is allegedly used as a buckle or fastener - with a piece of skin, which is from the age of carbon originating from the period around 600 AD. Meanwhile, the other bronze artifacts may be used as a whistle.

Bronze had not been developed at that time in Alaska. Archaeologists suspect, these artifacts were made in China, Korea, or Yakutia, then go to Alaska via the trade route.

Inside the house, the researchers found artifacts of obsidian material - shiny black stones of volcanic eruptions - which have chemical traces indicating that it is obsidian from Anadyr River valley in Russia.

'Whale Rising' site indicates there's a trade route that connects the Bering Strait (including Alaska side) with a civilization that flourished in the East Asian, before the time of Columbus. (Who discovered America?) *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SORCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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