Saturday, May 9, 2015

Super agile flying car made in Germany

The flying car is not new in the automotive world in the modern era. Seeing the great discourse and forecasted of the traffic congestion will increasingly, making the world's automotive instigators rushes to create the innovative modern vehicles that can penetrate the land boundary and flying freely in the air, one of them named flying car.
Germany’s Carplane project unveiled the near-complete prototype of its twin-hull flying car at the Aero Friedrichshafen general aviation show on April 15-18. The vehicle is planned to fly later this year. (Picture from:
The United States has the flying car named Terrafugia Transition. While in Slovakia there is also has flying car called AeroMobil. And this time a recent flying car came from Germany that appeared some time ago as new competitors with advanced technology and so-called "Carplane".
Carplane takes premium unleaded, not avgas. (Picture from:
In the prototype, the wings will be removed, stowed and re-installed manually, but Carplane has designed a mechanism to enable automatic folding and unfolding of the wings in a production vehicle.
Left side view of Carplane. (Picture from:
This car has a slick aerodynamics composition with more wider body composition than the two other flying cars, so it looks like a flying van than a city car. But the difference is, it has a separate cabin between the passenger and the driver.
Rear side view of Carplane. (Picture from:
The German flying car has a total weight of 498 kg, and using a machine capable of generating power reaches 151 hp and a gearbox that allows power to be directed to the drive wheels in road mode, to the pusher propeller in flight mode, and to both wheels and prop for a short takeoff.

Carplane can be parked anywhere like cars in general. (Picture from:
According to Notuicias Automotivas, the maximum speed in the air is able to accelerate up to 222 km/h at an altitude of about 4,570 m. Meanwhile, when used in the road, the car has a topspeed of 176 km/h.
Carplane plans to certify its flying car as a very light aircraft under European Aviation Safety Agency airworthiness rules. This will require the driver to have a private pilots’ license. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | CARPLANE | AVIATION WEEK]
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