Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Singapore’s first electric taxi

Singapore's limited land has been forced to immediately find a formula harmony between people's lives and automotive. One solution that has come from academic circles who managed to create an electric car called EVA.

EVA has introduced on April 24, 2015, the design was engineered by the TUM CREATE (Campus for Research Excellence And Technological Enterprise), which is a collaboration between the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and Technische Universitat Munchen (TUM). EVA claimed to be the first electric car models were designed, developed, and manufactured locally in Singapore.
EVA, Singapore’s first electric taxi. (Picture from:
EVA engineered into a taxi. The 'taxi' option is the result of study and analysis of habits of Singaporeans who often use taxis. Mileage and longer of operational time taxis are considered to be more efficient when only rely on a source of electrical power. Currently the population of taxi is three percent of all cars circulating in Singapore.
Right side view of EVA, Singapore’s first electric taxi. (Picture from:
Ordinary electric cars need six to eight hours to fully charge and can be used up to 160 km. But according to the TUM CREATE, EVA can swap the entire capacity of the battery to be traveling as far as 200 km. Even more interesting because it is said to charge the battery to full only takes 15 minutes. EVA structures using carbon fiber materials and can be driven up to 110 kph.
Interior view of EVA, Singapore’s first electric taxi. (Picture from:
As reported by Today Online, in the product presentation mentioned average mileage of taxi operations in Singapore to 520 km. Means EVA only took two to three times a day recharging.
Rear side view of EVA, Singapore’s first electric taxi. (Picture from:
The e-taxi offers the services that would not lose comfort. In the EVA's cabin include air conditioning plus climate controls and entertainment systems. Passengers also get a mobile phone connectivity, expressed also EVA passengers can adjust the audio volume of the sound and air-conditioning temperature.
"Singapore is not an automotive manufacturing country, but the country's economic benefit in the transfer of technology. Now we are one of the leaders in electric car system and is able to offer knowledge and services for the automotive industry in this region," said NTU President Professor Bertil Andersson. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | TODAY ONLINE]
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