Monday, May 18, 2015

Chicken embryos with dinosaur's snout

65 million years ago, dinosaurs disappeared from the Earth. Extinction not necessarily remove the traces of the animal's existence, but leave what scientists call the "avian birds".

Based on the studies that have been done, they believe that birds living today is the result of the evolution of dinosaurs: a bird's beak structure replaces the function of the hand on a dinosaur for grasping food, making it a kind of tweezers to clamp prey. While hands dinosaurs evolved into wings in birds.
An artist rendition of the non-avian dinosaur Anchiornis (left) and a tinamou, a primitive modern bird (right), with snouts rendered transparent to show the premaxillary and palatine bones. (Picture from:
Bhart-Anjan Bhullar, a paleontologist and biological development of Yale University, said that there are now at least 10 to 20 thousand species of living birds. "That way we can still say that today still include dinosaur era," he said, as quoted by LiveScience on May 12, 2015.
CT cans of the skulls of a control chicken embryo, altered chicken embryo and an alligator embryo. The chicken embryo whose protein activity had been modified shows the ancestral snout. (Picture from:
Bhart-Anjan and his team at Harvard University conducted an experiment that aims to determine how the half evolved. They managed to restore the shape of the muzzle of a dinosaur in chicken embryos, and replacing half of its original shape. Muzzle shape resembles the muzzle of a Velociraptor and Archaeopteryx.

However, these embryos are not allowed to hatch. "We do not intend to produce a chicken-dinosaur species, only interested in the beak evolutionary process," added Bhullar. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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