Sunday, April 12, 2015

Solved, the puzzles about the HIV spreading in the body!

Scientists have long known that the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) attacks the human CD4 T cells, lowered immunity, triggering Acute Immunodeficiency Syndrome (AIDS). However, the pattern of spread of the virus is still a puzzle.

Trying to solve the puzzle, a HIV expert at the same network security of University College London, Changwang Zhang, develop simulation. The model is inspired from the Conficker virus infection in the military and police Europe's first in 2008.
Researchers creates a model 'hybrid spreading' which accurately predicted patients' progression from HIV to AIDS in a major clinical trial - and say the spread was similar to a computer virus. (Picture from:
The simulation results show that the spread of HIV in the body similar to the pattern of spread of Conficker. "Both use a hybrid mechanism, survive for long, and difficult to remove," said Zhang.

To enter into a network, Conficker has two main lines, namely between computers directly and via the Internet. HIV also has two lines, namely through the blood and direct inter-cell. "The model that we have developed to explain important features to predict the infection process," Zhang said as quoted by the Daily Mail on Tuesday, April 7, 2015. Zhang added, the model will help the fight against two viruses of computer and biological.
The model was inspired by similarities between HIV and computer worms such as the highly damaging 'Conficker' worm, first detected in 2008, which has infected military and police computer networks across Europe and is still active today. (Picture from:
For confirms the modeling, Zhang examined 17 HIV-positive patients in London. As a result, a hybrid deployment model is most appropriate to describe the condition in these patients. HIV-related, because it is known as a hybrid spread, the spread between cells directly can not be underestimated. In fact, the pattern of spread of the possibility that a greater role accelerate the progression of HIV to AIDS.

Benny Chain, a scientist at University College London who participated in the research says, "The amount of HIV in the blood stream is always lower and our models indicate that HIV in the blood alone will not be able to cause AIDS."

"Most likely HIV hiding place had high T cell populations, such as the gastrointestinal tract, and then use the mechanism for inter-cell spread efficiently," he added. The presence of HIV is hiding in the T cell-rich areas show the need for the use of antiretroviral drugs immediately. Because, what if so infected with HIV live in hiding in those places?

"Our models indicate that blocking the spread between cells will prevent the progression of HIV to AIDS, underscoring the need for new treatment method," said Chain. Going forward, Chan and Zhang plan to study the direct spread of the virus similar to HIV in the animals. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILYMAIL]
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