Friday, April 3, 2015

Male rodents persuasion partner with 'Love Songs'

"Some people want to fill the world with silly love songs. And what's wrong with that? I'd like to know." Thus Paul McCartney chanting in his 1976 song "Silly Love Songs." And it turns out love song was not confined to humans.

Male rodents also use the ultrasonic 'love song' to seduce the female partners, using a variety of tones when they smell the female rats and when they looked at their prospective partners, that's according to new research from Duke University.

"Communication between animals is more complicated than that known to us," said neurobiology professor Erich Jarvis. "Songs of mice containing a clear communication signals and not just a series of random vocalizations."
Male mice sing like birds to serenade prospective mates, research has shown. (Picture from:
The scientists compared the singing mice with male bird song, although the ability to "sing" more restricted rats. The song of the rat is a series of words, or syllables, sometimes accompanied by tempo.

"This song is very high pitched, above 50 kilohertz, and can not be heard by humans. When we lower the tone recording and play at a high speed, it sounds like the song of a bird," said post-doctoral candidate Jonathan Duke Chabout.

Scientists have known for several decades that mice make sound - similar to a puppy who call its parent - and seeks to understand how they communicate.

The research team put male rats in the laboratory in a variety of situations, to record their song, and then analyze it. The song of male rats more complicated and loud when they can smell the urine mistreat women, but can not see the potential partners,

"As they say, 'I noticed, I am here, come here ..' and simpler singing male rats when female rats are nearby in order to save power to touch," said Jarvis. The research team played both types of songs to adult female rats, and found that they are more like simple songs than singing complicated.

"Are there certain syllables contained in it, we do not know," said Chabout. The study published in the Frontiers of Behavioral Neuroscience journal. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILYMAIL]
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