Monday, March 16, 2015

This tire is capable of generating an electrical energy

If the energy regeneration from the wheel rotation, frictional forces, or heat from the exhaust fumes are no longer sufficient, then the renowned tire manufacturer, Goodyear creates a new breakthrough. At the Geneva Motor Show 2015, they introduced a new type of tire named BH-03 that is capable of generating electricity to help the battery activates a number of car components.
Goodyear BH-03 has a thermo-piezoelectric material built inside of it that turns heat generated when the tire is rolling into electricity that can be used to charge batteries on an electric or hybrid car. (Picture from:
With thermo-piezoelectric technology which contained in the tire, the heat that generated due to the tire rotation is used to recharge the batteries for hybrid or electric cars. Not only that, the tires can also absorb the heat from the sun even when parking though to be converted into electricity.

This theory is good, but some technology observers actually smirked. It is said that the energy produced is small. However Goddyear reverse the situation by saying that there are better small energy produced than nothing.
Goodyear TripleTube, which features three air chambers fitted just under the tread and a system that can adjust the pressure in each of them individually. (Picture from:
Another concept presented is TripleTube. It is a tire with three layers having different wind pressure. Its function is the tire can adjust to road conditions based sensors. For example, when the roads are wet, one layer will be inflating the middle tread portion so that the possibility of aquaplanning increasingly thin.
However, there is no single of those concepts were planned to enter the production line. However Goodyear thinks technology like this could be incorporated into the smart, electric cars of the future. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | FOXNEWS]
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