Monday, February 23, 2015

Tata's air powered cars will released soon

After running several research and development since 2012, Tata Motor Company is ready to launch the air-powered car, named Tata AIRPod this year. As reported by the Business Standard said, Tata AIRPod will be introduced inin Hawaii through the US franchisee Zero Pollution Motors in the second semester of 2015.
Tata AirPod, an air powered urban commuter vehicle. (Picture from:
Tata AIRPod is the result of collaboration of Tata Motors with the MDI (Motor Development International), a French company. Some pictures of this car has been circulating in the media that showed Tata AIRPod able to carry three adults and one baby. The structure of the three-wheeled car body is rounded, seemingly similar to egg run. And the passengers can only enter from the front, through the open glass.
Filling the Tata AirPod storage tank with compressed air. (Picture from:
As a driving force, Tata AIRPod used the compressed air. The technology is similar to a steam engine because it relies on the heated air, but do not use the water vessel or coal. With the tank is full, Tata AIRPod can go as far as 200 kilometers at a maximum speed of 80 kilometers per hour.
Like playing video games, Tata AIRPod controlled by a joystick instead of the steering wheel. Tata Motors also equip this car with the telecommunications system. President of Tata Motors, Tim Leverton, said that the Tata AIRPod is a long term project and intricate and challenging. "But it still needs investment to develop these products in the future," he said. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BUSSINESS STANDARD]
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