Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Phenomenon of the island that emerged of the sea and growing

Strange phenomena occur in the sea of Japan. There is an island that emerged from the sea then the body was greater after a volcanic eruption on the sticking mainland.

Niijima, the name of the island, is growing after the unexpected joining adjacent islands, Nishino-shima. The mysterious island that included to the Tokyo area, although it located quite far from the coast. Now, the size of the island that lies on the Ogasawara Islands is 2,290 square meters, or 49 times greater than the Tokyo Dome baseball stadium that has a capacity of 55,000 seats in Bunkyo, Tokyo, Japan.
Niijima Island is an island that emerged from the sea is growing after the unexpected joining adjacent island (Nishino-shima Island). (Picture from:
Japanese Maritime Coastal Agency (JCG) reported on Thursday, December 25, 2014, there has been a vomit of a volcanic crater on the island which is thought to be a trigger to the increasing size of the land. "The mountain on the island has spewed the lava into the southern part of the island, as much as 5-6 times," said JCG, as quoted by The Japan News on Sunday, December 28, 2014.

Niijima Island originally emerged from the sea after a mountain in it erupted, on November 20, 2013 ago (jump to the article). At first, the diameter of the volcano was only about 150 meters, and the size of the island of about 300x200 meters.

Then in March 2014, based on the satellite imagery, the Niijima Island are known to have joined the Nishino-shima. The combined size to 1,000 square meters. Height of the island also rose to 60 meters above sea level, and is now 110 meters above sea level.

According to the CJG, this phenomenon is the first time since 1974, which also had similar things happen, where an island emerged from the sea after the eruption. While the Japanese government spokesman, Yoshihide Suga said the Japan goverment welcomed if the island can really permanent and can be inhabited. "We are happy if it will be permanent," said Suga, as published by LiveScience.

A similar incident occurred in 2013 ago. A similar new island appeared off the coast of Pakistan (jump to the article). Only half an hour after the earth shook tremendously from the 7.8 magnitude quake, on Tuesday, September 24, 2013, another surprise awaits residents of the coastal cities Gwadar. They see a new island appeared of the sea, just 1 kilometer from the beach. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE JAPAN NEWS | LIVESCIENCE]
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