Saturday, December 6, 2014

The world's oldest ancient image revealed

The world's oldest scracth in the shell was derived from Java, precisely of the Trinil site, in Ngawi, East Java. It is known from the research that published in Nature journal on Monday, December 1, 2014.

Josephine CA Jordens, a researcher at the Faculty of Archaeology at Leiden University, the Netherlands, and her colleagues are parties confirm that the incision is the oldest, dating back 500,000 years ago.
Pseudodon shell with the engraving made by Homo erectus. (Picture from:
Jordens was working on a research project on the use of marine resources by the Homo erectus species at the Trinil site, East Java. Then she analyzed the freshwater mussels shells of the species Pseudodon vondembuschianus trinilensis.

When analyzing, she found the perforations or small holes a few millimeters wide on the mussel shells surface. According to her, it is an indication of the presence of people at that time were trying to open a shell with a sharp tool such as the shark teeth.
The geometric pattern on Pseudodon shell, from left to right, top to bottom: overview (scale bar – 1 cm); schematic representation; detail of main engraving area (scale bar – 1 cm); detail of the engraving (scale bar – 1 mm). (Picture from:
Jordens colleagues then photographing the shell and examined in more detail. Through careful observation, it is known that the incisions on the surface of the shell have a zig-zag shaped.

By the observation under a microscope and then reveals that the zig-zag pattern was made intentionally. The zig-zag lines, each has a length of 1 cm is continuous, uninterrupted, indicates that the author is paying attention to detail.

Jordens and colleagues conducted a calendar on the sediment contained in the shell with argon and luminescence. Dating results reveal that zig-zag pattern was derived from 500,000 years ago, it means not made by Homo sapiens, but Homo erectus.
Detail of the engraving. (Picture from:
"This discovery is very spectacular and potentially change our perspective on early humans," said Nick Barton, an archaeologist from the Oxford University who was not involved in the study.

Is the incision is an art form? Jordens said, "If you do not know the purpose of the person who made it, it is not possible to refer to it as art."

"But, on the other hand, this is an ancient image. It is a way to express themselves. What is the purpose of the person who made it, we do not know," said Jordens as quoted by Nature, on Wednesday, December 3, 2014.

Clive Finlayson, an animal expert from the Gibraltar Museum who also involved in the study, said that the most important of these findings is that early humans already have the ability to think abstractly, the same as modern humans.

Those mussel shells were discovered by Eugene Dubois at Trinil site in 1896. Dubois also found the skeleton of Homo erectus. Skeletons and shells were then sent to the Leiden Museum in 1930. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCI-NEWS.COM]
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