Thursday, December 11, 2014

The luxury clothings were found in the tombs of the Ming Dynasty

Archaeologists in China found the tomb of the couple from the Ming Dynasty to the detailed design ornate clothing that is still preserved.

500-year-old tomb containing a wooden coffin for the husband and his wife, both of which are side by side in the outer coffin covered with layers of slurry (a mixture of lime and glutinous rice soup). As reported by LiveScience, archaeologists only found some bones in a coffin, but the clothes they are still in good condition. The wife coffin have sash with the words that she was "Deceased Mother of the Wang family of the Ming Dynasty."

Coffin containing clothes in the patch that shows detailed images of Kilin, mythological creature with the head of a dragon and a scaly body. Kilin it looks to be in the clouds, rocks, and ocean water.

Some skirts are found in the wife coffin, including one decorated with gold thread pattern along approximately 89 centimeters. "The fabric is woven with a decorative flowers, insects and various patterns of possessions," said the researchers from Taizhou Municipal Museum in an article recently published in the journal of Chinese Cultural Relics.
Both of the coffins within a husband-and-wife's tomb found in China contained fine clothing. This gown, which was found in the husband’s coffin, is elaborately decorated. (Picture from:
Even the women's footwear in the crate has a nice decoration. "Uppers made of plain silk, and on the finger embroidered with patterns of flowers, ancient coins, square dots and bell rock," the researchers write and add heels decorated with woven floral pattern and a variety of patterns possessions.

The researchers stated that the goods remain in good condition because it is stored in a covered well. According to their high level of preservation of the Ming Dynasty clothing associated with the pulp layer that closes the coffin and form a seal..

The tomb was found in the village Sensen Village, part of the city of Taizhou, in the East China Sea coast, and dug in July 2008. Based on the design and artifacts in the tomb, archaeologists believe the tomb was built around the time of Jiajing Emperor, who ruled from 1521 until 1567.

Woman's husband was also interred with nice clothes. He had a number of dresses, including a dress with a very intricate pattern. "The fabric weave drawing lotus flower, peony, plum and chrysanthemum, interspersed with various patterns of possessions such as coins, beads fire, horns, boxes, banana leaves, sticks Ruyi, silver rods and bell rock," the researchers wrote.

The man had two pieces of pillowcase, with the inscription stating "beginning fly to Heaven" and "to be born in the next life in the Western World." The researchers did not speculate about the couple's beliefs but the phrase "western world" can refer to a Buddhist. In the school of Mahayana Buddhism is said to be heaven, or Sukhavati, in the far west. It can be entered by calling the name of Amitabha Buddha. Buddhism, Confucianism and Taoism are all executed in China during the Ming Dynasty between 1368 to 

In addition to the 16th century and 17, there are a small number of European Christian missionaries in China, which is a prosperous area during the Ming Dynasty, when the Ming rulers to build the Forbidden City and the Great Wall, as well as Admiral Zheng He sent an expedition to the Indian Ocean, reaching the east coast of Africa. (See another photos.) *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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