Monday, December 29, 2014

Cave Song Terus, a witness to history of ancient human

Cave Song Terus which located in Wareng Village, District Punung, Pacitan Regency, East Java, increasingly highlighted of the archaeologists. Found objects from the cave to prove the history of the ancient Javanese people on hundreds of thousands of years ago. The Indonesian government is also preparing to build a special museum not far from the site.
Stone sign of the Cave Song Terus. (Picture from:
Cave Song Terus has a length of 150 meters with a width of 10 meters, and ceiling height 10 meters to 20 meters, it draw attention since the discovery of ancient human skeleton in 1999. It is estimated, the ancient human skeleton was 10,000 years old. The archaeologists and local residents agree called "Mbah Sayem" (Granny Sayem).
Cave Song Terus in Wareng Village, District Punung, Pacitan Regency, East Java, are being visited by a number of researchers, early December 2014 and has found more than 70,000 artifacts since 1994. In 1999, in a layer of soil in the cave was discovered an ancient human skeleton, called Mbah Sayem, which estimated 10,000 years old. (Picture from:
Mbah Sayem was a man aged 40 to 50 years old. When found, he was lying down position. Both hands gripping the stone tool and bones tool. Several heads of long-tailed monkeys or macaques scattered around him. His grave is covered with the fern leaf, above him was placed a large piece of roast beef.
A duplicate of an ancient human skeleton in Cave Song Terus, the original one is still there under the ground. (Picture from:
Approximately 3 kilometers away, there another cave, called Cave Song Keplek which also studied. Song Keplek is a dwelling cave of the Australomelanesid race who was living on 8,000-4,500 years ago. The results of their culture was similar, such as a shale stone, bone tools, and shells tools. Also five human skeletons have been found in this cave.

"There is a skeleton of an adult and children were found in the Song Keplek. These cave dwellers, breed, and explore the karst mountains. Mbah Sayem of the Cave Song Terus also inhabit the cave. Likely caves in Pacitan became the landing terminal of Homo erectus, like in the Sangiran," said Harry Widianto, Director of Preservation of Cultural and Museum, Directorate General of Culture, Ministry of Education and Culture, in early December 2014.

Looking at the characteristics and findings, caves in Pacitan is believed to be the home, a place to sleep. "After the hunt, their preys are cooked in there. Because the fire had been discovered since 450,000 years ago," said Harry, who is also one of the Sangiran archaeologist researchers. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC INDONESIA]
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