Wednesday, November 19, 2014

These flies are very useful in the waste processing

PT. Gunung Madu Plantation (GMP) Lampung, became a host of the residual plantations waste treatment trial using the black flies (Hermetia illucens) or better known the bioconversion of Black Soldier Fly (BSF).
Hermetia illucens. (Picture from:
"The waste which is processed by the flies were able reduced as much as 80 percent, the rest will become high protein larvae," said Agus Pakpahan, a BSF researcher on Saturday, November 15, 2014. He said, that the processing of residual plantation waste that used the bioconversion of BSF was the first implemented in Lampung.

According to Agus, the fly larvae resulting from the techniques can be used as a high protein animal feed. The flies carrion that can be utilized as materials of bio-plastics, pharmaceuticals, and cosmetics.

Meanwhile General Manager and Finance of PT. GMP-Lampung, Gunamarwan, adding in once harvest his company could produce 80,000 tonnes of sugar cane residual. He also welcomed the bioconversion of BSF test, moreover it obtained a significant improvement of the land condition after the test.

"The trial results of BSF bioconversion methods have proved able to increase of nitrogen (content) in soil which was originally 0.2 to 1.2 percent. In addition, the soil more crusts and topsoil were originally 10 cm to 14 cm," said Gunamarman.

Besides used to deal with residual waste of sugarcane processed, the company slowly familiarize the employees separating organic and inorganic waste. And then the organic waste will also be processed using these flies, further Gunamarman. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | KOMPAS SAINS]
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