Friday, November 28, 2014

Robotic arm can catch an object thrown at him

The researchers from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne is developing a robotic arm which claimed to be the fastest in the world since the robot arm is capable of capturing an object thrown at him.

If during this time, we are scarcely ever to find robotic arm which is capable of capturing objects thrown at him, but this robotic arm is not only able to capture objects quickly but at the same time able to identify objects that are thrown toward him.
A Robotic arm could catch flying objects. (Picture from:
With the ability to identify objects that are thrown, the robotic arm is able to adjust the way the catch or hold objects, for example in the GIF image, we can see the robotic arm could catch the tennis racket right on its handle.
Certainly the robotic arm can be used for many things and useful for the future, although at this time we do not know for certain the uses of a robotic arm that can capture so many objects. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | TECHCRUNCH]
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