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Sunday, July 6, 2014

New R1200GS available in low posture and keyless engine start

As one of the best-selling type of BMW, R1200GS get a refresher, included in the 2015 model. Overall this model gets a change in terms of comfort, ranging from the more subtle gearshift and fast, keyless engine start, and the option to lower the seat.
2015 BMW R1200GS. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1mlnviH)
Other changes, new crankshaft, about 3 kg heavier, and claimed to reduce engine vibration and create a smoother ride. Interestingly, the ignition system without a key, where the driver can start the engine, the handlebar lock, even to open the gas tank lid with the remote.

As a vehicle that birth for the heavy terrain, BMW innovate on the transmission side. Present with the Shift Assistant Pro (SAP) which makes the rider can increase the gear transmission without reducing gas. Conversely, when the transmission is reduced, the speed will adjust automatically. For security reasons, the cruise control can not be operated when the SAP active.
New BMW R1200GS with keyless engine start. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1mlnviH)
For riders who are not too high, are provided optionally for patronizing suspension. It makes motorcycles so high is lower 1.3-inch, ie 33.8-inch only. If that is not enough, BMW provides another seat option that can be selected, add 0.8 inches lower again.

There were changes in the choice of colors, gray and blue are no longer available, replaced with black and dark blue. The new color is white with the engine, frame and swing arm all-black. Price and availability of these new models have not been announced. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | MOTORCYCLEUSA]
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