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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Electric power fish secrets revealed

The scientists discovered the secret behind the fish electric power using genetic studies to reveal how it develops the organs of exotic creatures that can release an electric shock.

The investigators on Thursday, June 26, 2014 reveal a blueprint and detailed data genetic electric eel - South American waters occupants daunting and can sting the electric field up to 600 volts - as well as two species of fish other electrical power.
An electric eel (Electrophorus electricus) is a type of freshwater fish that can generate a strong electric current. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1mIE2h7)
Although the six-power group fish have independently evolved away from the place of origin such as muddy water turbid Amazon and marine environments, they all seem to reach "the box genetically" the same organ to develop their power plants, the researchers said.

The results of a new study published in the journal Science suggests that a variety of fish-power depends on the genes and biological pathways together to build their electric organs of skeletal muscle regardless of differences in the appearance and location of their organs.

Their electrical capabilities into the wonders of nature with distinctive capabilities such as bioluminesensi in some insects and sea creatures, and echolocation in bats and whales.

"This is really something unique in the animal kingdom," said Jason Gallant, professor of zoology at Michigan State University, as reported by Reuters news agency.

"It's only in the fish because the water is a conductor of electricity while air does not. Accordingly, birds or land animals will not have this," added Michael Sussman, professor of biochemistry at the University of Wisconsin.

There are hundreds of species of electric power around the world, with varying degrees of electric force. Fish with low power using his ability to navigate in dim waters and communicate with others.

Fish such as electric eels - similar predatory freshwater snake with a length up to 2.4 meters which is actually not really but the eel catfish relatives - have a very strong stinging ability to shock or kill prey and repel enemies.

Scientists wonder about how these fish initially get electric powers and how this characteristic appears six times in unrelated groups close to each other.

"Organ electric start in their lives as muscle precursor cells. Through a series of developmental stages, they become larger, greater power and lose the ability to contract," said Gallant.

All electrical muscle cells have the potential for any muscle contraction releases a small amount of voltage. Certain fish use it to transform ordinary muscle cells become larger cell type called elektrosit which generate much higher voltage. Electric organ composed of these cells.

"Each electric organ cells only produce a small voltage, similar to the strength of our muscles. Secrets of the electric organ is that the cells are arranged in a stack and electrically isolated so that the voltage increases as the battery in the circuit," says Harold Zakon, a professor of neuroscience at the University of Texas.

Scientists expect that first appeared on the electric organ of fish 150 million to 200 million years ago, Gallant added. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | REUTERS]
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