U.S. military research division known as the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) is colaborating with San Francisco-based company has recently developed an electric motorcycle specifically for military purposes.
This off-road vehicles will be able to transport soldiers and their weapons secretly for long distances. "When it's ready, this technology will be small and can quickly distribute a military team to reach far and secretly into enemy territory," said Logos Technologies, which received small business innovation research (SBIR) funding from DARPA, as qouted from the Daily Mail.
The vehicle development in cooperation with San Francisco-based e-bike manufacturer, BRD and Virginia-based Logos Technologies. Where the Logos Tech gave the silent multifuel hybrid power system while the motorcycle platform provided by BRD.
"Vehicles are silent with all-wheel drive capability at remote and hostile way this could support the successful operation of a military expedition with a special unit in the extreme terrain," said Manager of Advanced Concepts at Logos Technologies, Wade Pulliam. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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