Monday, April 21, 2014

This robot can speak English and more agile

Honda's masterpiece in the field of robotics, the Honda ASIMO continues to grow. In fact, now get in on the latest generation. The plan, the latest generation of ASIMO was introduced at the New York Auto Show 2014.
Honda’s new Asimo robot coming to New York Auto Show. (Picture from:
Honda said bleak as quoted from autoevolution some time ago, Honda's ASIMO now has a new trick to include the ability to speak Japanese and American English, can run faster than before, more smoothly climb stairs, jump, balance on one foot, and a seamless transition between walking and running.

"Honda believes that improved Asimo brings us one step closer to our ultimate goal to be able to help all kinds of people in need," said Satoshi Shigemi, Senior Chief Engineer of Honda R & D Co.Ltd. in Japan, which is responsible for humanoid robotics.
It is a more compact version of the Asimo robot. It's much smaller than a human with 130 centimeters tall, weighs 50 pounds, and is made of magnesium alloy, plastic resins and other materials. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | AUTOEVOLUTION]
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