Wednesday, April 16, 2014

NASA's Flying saucer to Mars

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) was making a 'flying saucer' for the future's robotic space travel, especially to Mars. The spacecraft that similar flying saucer is called Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator or LDSD.
NASA's flying Saucer for future Mars Missions called Low-Density Supersonic Decelerator or LDSD. (Picture from:
LDSD have a speed of three times the speed of sound. The main function of this NASA-made flying saucer is to fly a rover like Curiosity, from the Earth to the red planet. LDSD designed specifically for sending robotic explorers whose size is greater than Curiosity rover.

This flying saucer is a spacecraft which has a parachute when it will land on Mars later. For now NASA is still doing a variety of development on the flying saucer. And the first test flight will be conducted in June 2014. But not only that month alone, LDSD will do a lot of experiments over the next 24 months.
So for some people who will probably see a flying saucer-like object in the sky, and they claim that it is undefined celestial bodies aka UFO, that can be seen is LDSD are being tested by NASA. The mission of this LDSD is exploration of the red planet in the year of 2018, as quoted from Ubergizmo on Sunday, April 13, 2014. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | UBERGIZMO]
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