Saturday, April 19, 2014

Giant tiger ever lived in Sangiran

Giant tiger is believed to have lived in the 1.8 to 0.9 million years ago. The findings of the femur of this carnivore in Sangiran, Sragen, Central Java, then sliding the confidence for this on the tiger began to live at the time from 0.7 to 0.3 million years ago.
Aside from hominid fossils, Sangiran also proved to be the finding site of megafauna fossils. (Picture from:
"The findings are more than two years ago in 2011, but we never publish it. Currently bone joints is also still in the conservation and not on display to the public, "said Harry Widianto, Director of Culture Reserve Conservation and Museums, Ministry of Education and Culture of Republic Indonesia in Jakarta on Tuesday, April 15, 2014.
An artist illustration of an ancient tiger. (Picture from:
These findings are devastating for the count because there was never a tiger in the Homo erectus archaic (the oldest age). In Sangiran site, the team find it in black clay Pucangan formations (Sangiran swamp). "This is the first discovery. Authentic at all. This is a tiger which was very old. We have checks and confirmation to the world palaeontologist, and they allow it," said Harry.

In archaic times, previously is believed there are only a few kinds of animals, very little, when Homo erectus began to identify stone tools. Animals that live in the time, ie Mastodon sp (oldest ancient elephant, 1.5 million years old) and Stegodon sp (elephant, 0.8 million years). At that time, the marshes are more dominant than the ground.

Once humans evolved to a golden time at 0.7 to 0.3 million years ago, appeared in numerous animals, ie Elephas namadicus (elephant, 0.4 million years), Hippopotamus sp (0.7 million years), Cervidae (deer, elk), Bovidae (cattle, buffalo, bison), Rhinoceros sp, and Suidae (pigs). A the time Sangiran was already the open forests due for materials deposition of gravel, sand, and limestone that covers the entire swamp to harden.

"The finding of the thigh bone fossil it feels incredible, because it can be difficult to find another one. Bones are scattered, exposed to erosion, and others. However, we continue to hope that there is new data to theoretical progress. Like the discovery of leopard thigh, right, turn the wake theory for this," Harry said further.

Hasan Jafar, an archeologists of University of Indonesia, said that the findings emphasize new question that may arise. He exemplifies the cavernous limestone cave which has been found in West Java recently. "It is possible to find other fossils can be quite astounding. While the question of the date, there were method availability, as well as applied in geology," said Hasan.

Hasan also added, condition and life in prehistoric time could be reconstructed in detail, one of them from the findings of fossils. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | KOMPAS]
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