Tuesday, March 18, 2014

The Big Bang echoes found in the South Pole

U.S. scientists, on Monday, March 17, 2014, claiming for the first time to detect gravitational waves vibrations after the Big Bang, the beginning of the birth of the universe. These findings confirm the last section was called general relativity theory of Albert Eisntein.
The 10-meter South Pole Telescope and the BICEP (Background Imaging of Cosmic Extragalactic Polarization) Telescope at Amundsen-Scott South Pole Station is seen against the night sky with the Milky Way in this National Science Foundation picture taken in August, 2008. (Picture from: http://www.reuters.com/)
The wave is evidence of an explosion which then grew rapidly during the last 14 billion years as well as a long-awaited element to prove the last part of Einstein nearly a hundred years olds.
Tiny temperature fluctuations of the cosmic microwave background (shown as color) trace primordial density fluctuations in the early universe. Astronomers announced on Monday that they had discovered what many consider the holy grail of their field: ripples in the fabric of space-time that are echoes of the massive expansion of the universe that took place just after the Big Bang. (Picture from: http://www.reuters.com/)
"This is the first direct evidence of cosmic inflation," said the experts of Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics statement. These findings are the result of measurements of the oldest light in the universe that the research gets help from a telescope located at the South Pole.

The results of this study will be a strong candidate called the Nobel Prize in Physics next. The findings in the form of a wave moving through space and time, by the experts referred to as "the first vibrations of the Big Bang".

Detection of these waves confirm the integral connection between Einstein's theory of general relativity and quantum mechanics concepts. "Detecting this signal is one of the most important goals in cosmology today," said John Kovac, the experts coordinator on the astrophysical research institute.

According to Kovac, a telescope at the South Pole is a location that can be found in the earth's closest position to the space. "And still embedded in the ground," he stated. Kovac said, the location of the telescope it was one of the most dry and clean in the earth, perfect for observing faint traces of Big Bang microwave.

The telescope observes a special area of ​​sky known as the "hole in the south", outside the Milky Way galaxy. There was a bit of dust or excess galaxies basic materials that can be used to "peek" space using sophisticated equipment.

By observing the cosmic microwave alias faint glow left over from the Big Bang, a small fluctuation will be new clues to scientists about the conditions at the beginning of the universe.

Gravitational waves propagate through the universe, 380,000 years after the Big Bang. This image was caught by a wave telescope at the South Pole. "It is something elusive, something like this and actually found," said Clem Pryke, professor of the University of Minnesota, in announcing the findings in Boston.

Rumors began to circulate about these findings since Friday, March 14, 2014. Scientists say they have spent over three years to analyze their findings once dismissed the possibility of error. "It's like looking for a needle in a haystack but we (even) find a crowbar," said Pryke give an analogy.

Avi Loeb, an expert from Harvard, said the findings provide new information for some of the fundamental questions of human. "(As), why are we there? How the universe began?" call him. "These findings not only prove about inflation (cosmic) but it also tells us that the timing of inflation and the strength of the inflation process," said Loeb.

Meanwhile, the physicists said the Alan Guth's theory that gave rise to the idea of ​​the inflation problem in 1980 illustrates this finding deserve the Nobel Prize in Physics. "It's really new, suitable piece of evidence illustrates inflation cosmology (cosmic)," said an expert from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, as quoted in the Nature journal.. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | REUTERS]
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