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Monday, March 10, 2014

Global warming may increase the Malaria cases

British and American researchers predict that global warming could cause malaria to spread to places that have never been hit by a practically lethal disease is. In a writing that published the Science journal, the researchers said they found what they call "irrefutable evidence" of the impact of climate change.

According to the researchers working in Colombia and Ethiopia, they found cases of malaria increased in the years in which the temperature warms and decreases at cooler temperatures. They have analyzed the malaria cases in Colombia from 1990 to 2005 as well as in Ethiopia from 1993 to 2005. Eventually, they found that malaria cases were increased during warm years and they were lower in cooler yields.
The sightings of the malaria parasites (Plasmodium falciparum) in the microscope. (Picture from: http://sains.kompas.com/)
They have concluded that malaria would be more dangerous and could be a treat to people when the planet warms. The researchers who conducted the studies were from the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine as well as the University of Michigan.

According to the estimates of the Science researchers in an earlier paper, the increase in temperature could lead to an extra 3 million malaria cases among Ethiopian children considering preventive methods were not strengthened.

This is the key point. Although global warming can put more people all over the world at risk especially for malaria and other tropical diseases, climatic change can also be another factor.

The amount of malaria threat has been decreased in several developed countries such as Singapore and the United States with the proper use of many control methods. Even in Africa, malaria incidences were highly reduced since 2000.

The World Health Organization (WHO) says malaria killed more than 600,000 people per year, and Africa most severely affected. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes. Malaria can be prevented with insecticides, nets, and medicine. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE AMALGEST]
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