Friday, February 7, 2014

Unique ancient caveman

Has bright blue eyes that contrast with the blacken of his skin and hair. That is a glimpse looks of the 7,000 year old caveman which can be clues to the evolution of human genetics. His body was found at an altitude of 5,000 feet or 1,524 meters in the mountainous region in the northwest of Spain in 2006.
In 2006, hikers accidentally discovered the remains, along with another skeleton, in the Cantabrian Mountains of Northwest Spain. (Picture from:
Experts who study the ancient human fossil of hunter and gatherers was amazed - who was named La Brana 1 - has a combination of African and European genes. The results of the analysis of DNA taken from teeth reveal, that he has the dark colored or black hair and skin and blue eyes. Reported in the Nature scientific journal, as published by the DailyMail, on January 26, 2014.
The remains of two males were found in a narrow, labyrinthine cave. (Picture from:
A mixture of African and European genetic characteristics indicate that the transformation of modern human race is still going long after they left Africa. Starting with the eye color change before the change in skin color.
Though one of the mens' skeletons was too degraded to analyze, the team sequenced the genome of the other one, whose skeleton is shown here. (Picture from:
The study leader, Professor Carles Lalueza-Fox of the Institute of Evolutionary Biology, Barcelona said, "The biggest surprise was finding that the individual has in the African version of the gene that determines the brighter pigmentation of Europeans at this time."

An illustration of what the 
ancient hunter-gatherer may 
have looked like. The Stone Age 
caveman had black hair, dark 
skin and blue eyes contrary to 
 given understanding of racial 
transformations. (Picture from:
La Brana 1 also showed a genetic similarity with Scandinavians, also share a common ancestor with the people living in Siberia more than 20 thousand years ago. La Brana 1 is one of two adult male skeleton well preserved by nature, which excavated from the cave system at La Brana-Arintero near Leon, Spain.

The scientists examined the DNA of La Brana 1 in better condition. They hope to catch up the other human genome skeletons that called La Brana 2. Both of these individuals come from the past 7,000 years. They lived in the Mesolithic period, which ended 5,000 years ago as the development of agriculture and animal husbandry in the Middle East.

Although La Brana 1 dark skin, the scientists found genetic similarities with Scandinavian nation of Sweden. He also shared a common ancestor with the people who live in the Upper Palaeolithic Mal'ta, near Lake Baikal, Siberia, more than 20 thousand years ago.

The DNA extracted from a Siberian boy fossil last year reveal the relationship with Native Americans. "These data suggest that there is a genetic continuity in the central and western Eurasian populations," said Lalueza-Fox.

Instructions on genome La Brana 1 designate some of the changes that occur in humans as a result of the transition from hunter-gatherer lifestyle to agriculture. He was not able to digest lactose in milk or starchy foods is a mainstay of the Neolithic farmers. Agriculture is estimated to have prompted changes in the human immune system caused by exposure to bacteria and viruses from animals.

However, a number of DNA variants that have the ability to fight infection in humans have been present in modern Europe early human hunter-gatherers - shows the DNA variant is not absolute emerged as an adaptation to farming life, but has a more ancient origin.

Meanwhile, a mixture of African and European properties indicate that long after modern humans left Africa, the transformation of their race still in the process - with the eye color changes precede changes in skin color. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILYMAIL | LIVESCIENCE]
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