Earth is not stationary. The planet continues to spin on its axis. The human activities is under control by the Earth's rotation such as follow the dark and the light, split the warmth of the sun to all parts of the world.
When rotation, everything on Earth part moves, from west to east. However, ever cross your mind, how fast we spin? When we relax in front of the television, daily activites, daydreaming, thinking, even sleeping, is actually the Earth continues to spin at a dizzying speed. Rotational speed in every place on Earth is different. For example, to which are in the UK, the rotational speed is 600 mph or 965 kph.
Now, by using a special chart, each person can find out where the latitude of the location where we are intersecting with the black curve - to determine the speed of the cosmic rotation.
The graph was created by Seth Kadish from Oregon, United States. The goal, to find something that everyone can use to reflect on their existence in a broad sense. The graph states that the speed of a moving area of the planet varies between 150 to 1,050 mph.
"Basically, I'm a geologist who loves math," said Kadish as published by the Daily Mail, on January 28, 2014. "Occasionally, I think about the fun experiments, a calculation related to nature."
Results of 'occasional' thinking is a chart that reveals the speed of a point on the Earth's surface, at any latitude as a result of the rotation of the Earth on its axis. However, this does not take into account the movement of graphics Earth around the Sun, which has an orbital speed of about 67,000 mph.
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Using this map, you can search for where your line of latitude crosses the black curve to determine the speed you¿re spinning in the cosmos. (Picture from: |
"The possiblity biggest mistake in determining the location, where you have to estimate your location on a curve based on where you live, then read how the speed of rotation of the x-axis," said Kadish.
For example, an object at the equator to travel once around the circumference of the Earth within a distance of about 24,901 miles or 40,075 kilometers per day. To calculate speed, Kadish divide the distance by 24 hours. The result is 1,040 mph.
After that, the rotation speed is calculated by multiplying the speed at the equator by the cosine of the latitude at some point. The calculation assumes that the Earth is a perfect sphere. Certainly, no such facts. In addition, the rotation of the Earth did not last a full 24 hours, but 23 hours and 56 minutes. There is also some velocity variation associated with specific location height, but the effect is very small.
"Hypothetically, the summit of Mount Everest and the deepest part of the Mariana Trench located both along the equator, the tangential velocity difference caused by the difference in height is only 12.3 miles about 3 miles per hour," said Kadish . Then why is the speed of rotation of the Earth does not felt by human? It was thanks to the force of gravity. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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