Sunday, February 9, 2014

Archaeologists Found Step Pyramids

The archaeologists who were working near Edfu, a city in southern Egypt was found the 4,600-year-old step pyramids, several decades older than the Pyramids of Giza. The step pyramids were originally estimated to be as high as 13 meters, is one of the seven pyramids were built by pharaoh Huni (reign ca. 2635-2610 B.C.) or Snefru (reign ca. 2610-2590 B.C.). Over time, the stones in the step pyramid was ransacked and some decaying parts so that now only five meters high.
Researchers work near the 4,600-year-old pyramid uncovered at Tell Edfu in Egypt. (Picture from:
The pyramids are scattered throughout Central and South Egypt, is located close to the settlement, did not have room in it and is not intended for burial. Six of the seven pyramids have almost identical dimensions, including a pyramid sized 18.4x18.6 m found in Edfu. The purpose of pyramid construction is still a mystery. The pyramid may be used as a symbolic monument to the people who glorify the king.

"The similarity of one pyramid to the other are really amazing, and there is definitely a common plan," said Gregory Marouard, a researchers from the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute who led the work at Edfu as reported by LiveScience.

In the eastern part of the pyramid, the researchers found the installation where the food is made, a discovery that is important to help understand the types and usefulness of the pyramid. Researchers also found a picture hieroglyphics on the outside face of the pyramid. The inscription was on the side where toddlers and children buried at the foot of the pyramid.

The researchers suspect that the grave inscriptions and made ​​long after the pyramids were built, and that the structure was actually not intended for burial, according to the results of the initial excavation presented by the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities in the symposium in Toronto recently. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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