Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wow, tasted your food online!

See the images and hear the sounds through the online media  may be a normal thing, but tasted something online? A group of researchers at the National University of Singapore (NUS) some time ago have succesfully developed a digital lollipop.

This tool is a simulator that utilizes electrical stimulation of flavor and temperature to create a virtual sense. Now, they explore the possibility of sending a taste of digitally over the internet. The NUS Principal investigators, Nimesha Ranasinghe on last November to surprise the simulator creates a sense of what he called the Taste Digital Interface (DTI) which work combines electrical wave and the temperature of the electrode to stimulate the nerves of taste on the tongue to savor the taste sensation.

Based on Ranasinghe research, the sour, salty and bitter which felt by tongue can be created by manipulating the electrical stimulation. While the spicy, fresh and sweet gained by manipulating the temperature.
Digital taste experimental set-up. (Picture from:
Through a combination of the two forms of stimulation, then found a variety of flavors that can be simulated. The emergence of this creation paved the way in the development of other technologies, which transmit a sense over the internet.
Users have to attach the tongue to taste simulator tool is to receive the flavor submissions. (Picture from:
To achieve that goal, Ranasinghe and a team of researchers at NUS this time to develop flavor delivery via Internet Protocol (IP) for the delivery of flavor in digital form. This method will facilitate the delivery and re-creation of flavors through DTI electrode connected to the computer. "To send our digital data format programming language named TasteXML (TXML). This program is specifically used to format the message in the form of sense," Ranasinghe said as quoted by Newscientist.

Ranasinghe added that the technology can be applied to a variety of things in addition to developing a virtual reality world, which is still limited to visual and sound simulation. One was for healthcare applications such as giving the sensation of sweetness to diabetics who do not affect their blood sugar levels.

Perhaps, later a coffee or a tea addict can stop leaving bad effects of caffeine by using this technology. As a complement to his creation, Ranasinghe also made ​​a tool called Digital lollipop. Technically, this tool has a working concept similar to the DTI. The difference is the Digital Lolipop only stimulate sweetness and simpler form than the DTI.

Although capable of stimulating the tongue to taste four kinds of taste, the Ranasinghe findings are still far from perfect to present the full flavor. It required the aroma and texture in order to present a full taste sensation. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NEWSCIENTIST]
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