Saturday, January 11, 2014

Triple-Star System can answer the Gravity question

The discovery of Triple-star system can provide clues that help scientists define the actual characteristics of gravity. The system consists of two white dwarfs and pulsars-stars that emit radio waves and electromagnetic radiation quickly-very solid. The third star, which is in a smaller space than Earth's orbit around the Sun, can help solve problems in the theory of general relativity proposed by Albert Einstein.
Millisecond pulsar, left foreground, is orbited by a hot white dwarf star, center, both of which are orbited by another, more-distant and cooler white dwarf, top right. (Picture from:
"This system provides a natural cosmic laboratory that much better than ever before to learn how systems work teresebut three objects and detecting potential problems in General Relativity by physicists predicted in extreme conditions," said Scott Ransom of the National Radio Astronomy Observatory (NRAO).

Using the exact time when the pulsar emits radio waves, astronomers can calculate the geometry of the system and the masses of stars with a precision that has never been equaled before.

The pulsar, which is 4,200 light years from Earth, rotates about 366 times per second. Pulsar was formed when a massive star explodes as a supernova and the rest falls into a very dense neutron star, with some of the mass turned into energy that binds and unites gravity of the solid.

Scientists say the system can offer great opportunities to find a violation of a concept called Equivalence Principle. This principle states that the effect of gravity on an object does not depend on the character or the internal structure of the object.

Experiments depicting the most famous is the equivalent principle made ​​by Galileo Galilei when dropped two balls with different weight from the Leaning Tower of Pisa and Apollo 15 commander Dave Scott dropped a hammer and eagle feathers while standing in vacuum on the Moon 's surface in 1971.

"Although Einstein's General Theory of Relativity has so far confirmed any experiment, it is not in line with the quantum theory. Consequently, the physicists estimate it will not apply in extreme conditions," said Ransom.

"The triple-star system gives us a great opportunity to see a specific violation of the principle of equivalent forms called Strong Equivalence Principle," he added. Through the equivalent principle, the gravitational effects of the outermost white star will be identical to other stars. If a strong equivalent principle is not valid in the conditions of these systems, the effects of gravity on the outer white star on the inside and the neutron star will be slightly different and the observation time high-precision pulsar can easily show it.

"By doing the very high precision of the term pulse coming from the pulsar , we can test the deviation from the principle of equivalent robust with a sensitivity that is several times larger than ever before , " said Ingrid Stairs of the University of British Columbia.

"The discovery of the deviation of the Strong Equivalence Principle of General Relativity would indicate failure and will lead us to a new theory of gravity and proper," she added.

"The system is very attractive in many ways , including what has been the history of the formation of the crazy and we have to do a lot of work to really understand it," said Ransom. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | VOA NEWS | HUFFINGTON POST]
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