Friday, January 3, 2014

The Real Artificial Heart that successfully worked

The first real artificial heart successfully working or beats in the body of a 75 year-old French man. The man was getting a heart transplant operation during past 10 hours at the European Georges Pompidou Hospital the week before the 2013 Christmas.
The Carmat is a heart device created from mechanical elements and cow tissue designed for up to five years of use as a complete human heart. (Picture from:
Unlike the other artificial hearts that only targeted existing work until a donor heart, an artificial heart named "Carmat" is targeted to replace the function of the heart for 5 years and allows the owner to run his normal activity.

"We have seen a tool like this before, but all of them had low autonomy. Artificial heart allows more motion and less risk of clotting," said Alain Carpentier, the inventor of the world’s first fully artificial, self-regulating heart. According to Carpentier, as quoted from the Smithsonian Magazine, on Wednesday, December 25, 2013, that the development of an artificial heart that approached the actual, capable of automatically regulating the contraction and relaxation.
The Carmat artificial heart is designed to mimic the dual chamber pumping action of a real human heart. (Picture from:
In the artificial heart, there are sensors and micro-processors that can monitor internal changes so that the body can regulate blood flow as needed. The flow can be faster or slower according to its activity.

The distinguishing characteristics of this artificial heart with previously. Another artificial heart beating constantly so users should avoid excessive activity or will tire quickly. The exterior of the artificial heart is made of cow muscle tissue. With a tissue that made ​​up of living things, the risk of clots that commonly arise when an artificial heart is made with artificial materials can be reduced.

Carmat developed over 25 years. At present, the artificial heart trial in humans has been allowed in France, Belgium, Poland, Slovenia, and Saudi Arabia. Human trials will be carried out until the end of 2014. If smooth, the artificial heart could be marketed in 2015.

Although it may sound promising, this artificial heart may be too expensive to reach many people. Just imagine, the cost of making this heart could reach 140,000 and 180,000 euros (or about U.S. $ 190,000 to $ 250,000). *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | CARMAT | SMITHSONIAN MAGAZINE | GIZMAG]
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