Friday, January 31, 2014

The origin of the formation of the rocks on the Moon

Thanks to the NASA's Moon Mineralogy Mapper (M3), scientists are now able to explain the origin of the formation of the rocks around the Bullialdus crater and the Moon's surface, precisely in the crust and mantle.

Our moon may hold more secret
than we first thought. (Picture from:
This information is certainly a lot of help scientists around the world to analyze the rocks contained in the central peak of the crater (norites).

"The rocks in the central peak of the crater was included into the usual type we refer to as norites. We suspect they are formed from magmatic water that flows on the Moon at the time.

"Unfortunately, they crystallize when magma rises and settles remain underground," said Rachel Klima, a scientist from the Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory in Maryland, United States as quoted by Softpedia.

Bullialdus crater is not the only location of this rock type is found, but the content of this rock is combined with an abundance of water in the area that allows us to measure the amount of water contained in the rock.

In addition, they also found that the crater also contains many hydroxyl molecule is composed of one hydrogen and one oxygen atom. Hydroxyl allegedly tied to magmatic minerals that form the structure of the Bullialdus crater surface.

This discovery scientists break the assumptions that have been saying that the type of rock in the Moon was 'dry' and even if it is said to contain water in it then it is the result of the Earth contamination.. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SOFTPEDIA | LIVESCIENCE]
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