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Thursday, December 12, 2013

When the Dolphins falls in love

Human express love with flowers and have a special ritual by marriage. Similarly dolphins. In a BBC documentary series about the life of the dolphins reveals that marine mammals are also being romantic.

When we are (man) giving the flowers, male dolphin are known give a seaweed bouquet to the his female. Action gives a bouquet of seaweed is the beginning of a long process of the dolphins mating.

Initially, the male dolphin will swim away in the ocean, specialized to searching the best seaweed bouquet. After getting it, the male dolphin will wear it and show off his skills in playing a bouquet of seaweed in the tail, fins, and nose.

"When the female dolphin love it, then she will receive the seaweed, flirt and play with it," said Rob Pilley, the BBC broadcast producer, as quoted by the Daily Mail, on Monday, December 9, 2013. After the attractions is finished, the dolphins started the process of mating.

The male and female dolphin will scrape their fins each other, circling one another. Warming up process in this sex action can last for more than an hour. Afterwards, a new scene begins filling. The dolphin love action was very romantic. Unfortunately, "making love" session of the dolphins did not last long. After the making love was completed, then ended it all.

The female dolphin is not the kind of loyal creatures on her partner. When the mating season, the female dolphins could have sex with multiple males within a day. "When sex occurs, it is much like a handshake, after which the couple will go separately," Pilley said.

Knowledge of dolphins mating ritual is derived by observation wore the capture device shaped tuna, turtles, and shellfish, which are placed off the coast of Mozambique. The observations not only reveal the romance of dolphins marriage, but also other behaviors such as attention of the dolphin mothers to their children, the dolphins friendship, and others.

After a baby dolphin is born, the mother dolphin will lead him to the water's surface to breathe oxygen and swiping the fins on the baby as an expression of affection, like hugs in humans.

Meanwhile, a male dolphin is also could be friends in a long time. Those familiar with finding a mate, to spend time and having fun together, and caring for one another. The documentary series about the lives of the dolphins will aired by BBC on January 2, 2014. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BBC | DAILY MAIL]
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