Thursday, December 26, 2013

Reveals the Five mysteries of the Brain

For centuries, the brain is a mysterious organ. Only the last decades, scientists have begun to uncover the mystery behind the organ. Technological sophistication is the key. 

Although to understand how the brain works is still to be studied to date, here are five important study that reveals the mysteries of the brain,

1. How to restore the brain
When thinking, moving, dreaming, even love, is a part of the brain working gray matter or also known as the large cortex. But it turns out that the white matter is also called the basal ganglia also play a role.

For example, when there is dementia or senility, many studies indicate the presence of plaques in the gray matter, so treatment focuses on the area. However, according to Atticus Hainsworth, white matter and blood supply to the brain is also equally important.

The white on the actual results of the fat around the axons of nerve cells is an extension of the body to aid communication between cells. White matter in the brain could potentially lead to leakage of blood vessels that play a role in increasing the risk of dementia.

This makes the researchers need to find a way of healing a better brain, the considerable gray matter and white matter in the brain.

2. How to make a genius
For years, caffeine is used to improve the taste of alert, but the drug can do. Barbara Sahakian, a neuroscientist of Cambridge University said, although the use of long-term drug safety has not been established, but there are certain drugs that can increase the ability of the brain.

"So that the drug is suitable for those whose jobs require high concentrations such as a  surgeon or pilot," she said.

The drug can increase the production of dopamine and noradrenaline in the brain that increase the sense of alert and cognitive abilities. The benefits can be felt on the students who want to take an exam.

3. Utilizing the subconscious
Concentration may be required to complete the task, but the subconscious may also be utilized to improve themselves. Plays the part of the most complex music with repetitive can help people to be able to do it more easily.

Tania Lisboa, cell specialist and researcher at the Centre for Performance Science, London's Royal College of Music, said the way to move something from the conscious to the subconscious brain. After practicing many times, the brain of a musician to save memory on the back of the brain called the cerebellum or minor brain.

4. Dreaming
It is now 60 years since the origin of Chicago researchers discovered rapid eye movement (REM) which is now associated with the activity of dreaming. Previously, believed dreaming was when the soul leaves the body and back again just before waking time.

REM sleep that occurs every 90 minutes starting time of the transmitted signal reaches the brain basis seberal cortex, the outer layer of the brain responsible for learning and thinking activities. According to Professor Robert Stickgold of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center for Sleep and Cognition in Boston, dreaming is an activity that is vital in the process of memory formation.

5. Treating disease
Chronic disease is the most difficult medical problems to be solved. But actually without the aid of drugs for pain relief, the surgeon can use brain stimulation to give the effect of the drug in patients. The technique involves electrodes are inserted into the brain.

Target area is stimulated with electrodes connected with battery-powered pacemaker. Through the surgery anyway, the device is placed in the bone below the neck of the patient.

The technique pioneer Prof Tipu Aziz of the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford, said that deep brain stimulation has been used to treat Parkinson's disease and depression. Now, the method was also developed for chronic disease. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BBC]
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