The number of electric supercar concept car seems to have grown in recent years. However, many believes that electric cars can not pull out a large force. It turns out that the assumption was wrong, because this electric car is capable of producing power up to 800 hp.
Volar-E, that's the name of the electric car that has great power. The car is built by the Spanish engineering firm, Applus + IDIADA who have been selected by the European Commission last year to build and design a vehicle that has high performance and harnessing electricity as driving source.
For the manufacture of the car itself, the company worked closely with a Croatian electric car manufacturer company, Rimac. Volar-E itself is built in three months by using carbon fiber for the body that is built on a tubular chromium-molybdenum chassis. Not only that, the Volar-E also will integrate the 4WD system combined with regenerative braking on the carbon ceramic brakes, thus allowing the car to store and collect energy.
From a technical perspective, Volar-E uses Rimac's battery that has a voltage 640V with a capacity of 38 kWh. The battery will supply energy to the four electric motors at each wheel, and together will produce a maximum power of 800 hp and torque of 1,500 Nm. The Volar-E's lithium-ion battery pack can be charged in less than 20 minutes.
Volar-E have managed through a number of tests conducted at the Circuit de Catalunya, which was attended by, Antonio Tajani, Vice-President of the European Commission, Sebastian Salvado, President of the RACC, and Carles Grasas, CEO Applus + IDIADA. And this electric car can reach speeds of 100 kph (62 mph) in 3.4 seconds and an electronically governed top speed of 186 mph (299,34 kph). *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ECOCHUNK | GAS2 | PLUGINCARS} Note: Thisblogcan be accessedviayoursmartphone.