Monday, December 30, 2013

5 Phenomenal Comet Sightings in the 500 years

Comet ISON not as expected, failed to become a 'comet of the century'. The comet is expected to beat the light shines bright moon at night, apparently torn apart and almost completely destroyed as it approached the Sun.
German amateur astronomer Waldemar Skorupa captured this spectacular photo of Comet ISON from Kahler Asten, in Germany, on Nov. 16. (Picture from:
However, there is always a comet that spektakuker than others. Even since centuries ago. Give rise to many interpretations. This is one of them: as found 'rogue planet,' the doomsday forecasters assume a comet named Elenin as 'Nibiru'- which will hit the Earth and wipe out all the creatures in it.

However, numbers of the people forecast miserably failed. United States Space Agency (NASA) states, instead crashed into the Earth, comet Elenin has died. In fact, the remains of fractions will not be back in time 12,000 years. Being 'ex-comet'.

Here are 5 of the most spectacular comet that appeared in every century from the 16th century until the 20th century,

16th Century Largest Comet, 1577
This comet passing near the Sun in a distance of 16.7 million miles on October 27, 1577. However, its existence was unknown until 5 days later. People in Peru reported sighting a very bright object in the sky. Similar Moon.

Then, a few days later, the people in other parts of the world, in Japan witness 'shooting stars' brightness similar to that of the Moon, with a white tail that extends more than 60 degrees.
A German woodcutting by Jiri Daschitzsky that depicts the Great Comet of 1577 streaking over a village of onlookers. (Picture from:
Famous astronomer Tycho Brahe first saw the comet is currently reflected in the surface water of fish pond in his garden on November 13. Similar bright as Venus. The comet is still shining brightly in December before eventually dropping below the limit of naked eye visibility January 26, 1578.

17th Century Largest Comets, 1680
German astronomer Gottfried Kirch became the first to ever discover a comet with a telescope when viewing latitude cubeb was on November 14, 1680 on the fourth magnitude.

On December 2nd, the heavenly bodies already have the tail has reached 15 degrees and the second magnitude (bright as Polaris, the North Star). On December 18, the comet was at perihelion, its closest point to the sun, within 28,000 miles of the surface of the Sun.
A painting of the Great Comet of 1680 by Lieve Verschuier. The cross-staffs that people are depicted as holding were used for measuring angles. (Picture from:
At least one report from Albany, New York, suggesting that the comet visible during the day. A few days later it could be seen at night with a twilight sky tail extends straight up from the head, 70 to 90 degrees.

In January 1681, the tail tapers so 55 degrees on January 23. Can be seen with the naked eye until the beginning of February 1681.

18th Century Largest Comets, 1744
The comet was first seen on November 29, 1743, he was getting brighter as it approaches the sun Many textbooks often cite Philippe Loys de Cheseaux of Lausanne, Switzerland, as an inventor.

In mid-January 1744, the comet has a tail of 7 degrees. On February 1, the flame rivaled Sirius (the brightest star in the sky) and display the curved tail, whose length is 15 degrees. On February 18, the comet was as bright as Venus and performing with two tails.
Amedee Guillemin's depiction of the Great Comet of 1744. (Picture from:
On February 27, he enlarged with a peak at magnitude 7, and reported visible even during the day, 12 degrees from the sun. The comet reached perihelion point on March 1, at a distance of 20.5 million miles from the Sun. On March 6, the comet appeared in the morning sky, with 6 tail shines brightly. The shape resembles a Japanese hand fan.

19th Century Largest Comets, 1882
This is perhaps the brightest comet ever seen. Kreutz Sungrazing comet group members. Initially, it was seen by a group of Italian sailors in the Southern Hemisphere on Sept. 1. The comet increased dramatically brighter as it approaches the Sun.

On September 14, the unnamed comet seen during daylight. When it reaches the point of perihelion on December 17, he passed close to the Sun at a distance of 264 thousand miles.
A photograph of the Great Comet of 1882 taken in South Africa. (Picture from:
On that day, some observers described the comet glow silvery tinge paler than the Sun -shows that it reached magnitude -15 and -20. The next day, observers in Cordoba, Argentina, described comets as "fire star" near the sun.

The comet's nucleus split into at least four separate sections. A few weeks later, the comet is clearly visible in the morning sky, as large objects shining tail. Up to now, a number of historians comet dubbed as 'Super Comet'.

20th Century Largest Comet: Ikeya-Seki, 1965
It is the brightest comets of the 20th century, and is found more than a month before perihelion in the morning sky - moving rapidly towards the Sun.

As with other large comets of 1843 and 1882, Ikeya-Seki classified as a Kreutz Sungrazer and on October 21, it swept to a distance of 744,000 miles from the Sun. The comet then visible as a bright object, 2-3 degrees from the Sun. When the sky is clear, the comet can be seen by the inhabitants of the earth, in a simple way: by blocking sunlight with their hands.
Comet Ikeya-Seki as photographed by Maynard Pittendreigh in 1965. (Picture from:
From Japan, the homeland of the observers found, Ikeya-Seki described "10 times brighter than the full moon". The point is then observed split into two or three parts. After that, the comet away, back away from the Sun. Head fades very quickly, so slender, curved tail. There is an interesting story about a comet in the 20th century. In 1881, an astronomer announced, based on spectral analysis, comet tails contain a deadly gas called cyanogen - similar to cyanide.

Not to be ignored at the time, until the news of Halley's Comet passed the earth will be in 1910. "What the world will turn off the gas enveloped?" The title that appears on the front page of The New York Times and other newspapers. Hit the panic was universal. Leading scientists to perform and explains, there is nothing to worry about. The call was proved right.

21th Century Largest Comet?
So, what's the largest comet for 21st century? We are still waiting... *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | MOTHER NATURE NETWORK]
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