Friday, November 1, 2013

Why chromosomes depicted in the form of 'X'?

At least this is nothing pertinent in hybrid motorcycle and so far we know the chromosome as the DNA structure with shaped like the letter 'X', but a new method showed that chromosomes shaped appears totally different.

The 'X' shaped of chromosomes
that we know so far. (Picture from:
Scientists team from the Babraham Institute, in cooperation with the University of Cambridge and the Weizmann Institute, has developed a three-dimensional model that showing the original shape of chromosomes and the folded DNA strands in it.

Peter Fraser from the Babraham Institute says that the 'X' shaped, which is often used to describe the chromosome, only the simplest form of its complexity. Chromosome image actually looks like a long thread strands that are arranged randomly, tangled, and knotty.

"This 'X' form of chromosome was familiar. But according to microscopic image, it is the structure at the time of splitting cells," says Fraser, as cited from ScienceDaily sites, Thursday, September 26, 2013. The 'X' shaped of chromosome which only happens a second, when the cell to split themselves.

While the most cells in the organisms body finished splitting themselves, the chromosomes do not look like the letter 'X'. The shaped of chromosomes in each cells are different. "So far not possible to make an accurate picture of their structure," he said further.
This is the chromosome structure from single-cell Hi-C. (Picture from:
The new method developed by Fraser and his colleagues that involving a thousands of chromosomes molecular measurement in a single cell with the latest DNA sequencing technology. By using advanced computer, all the result of micro-level measurements were sewn and combined, and then they created a three-dimensional portrait of chromosomes for the first time.

Fraser says these portraits not only show the chromosomes structure, but also the DNA bands in it. Their portraits also allows the scientists to map the specific genes and other important features. "The model helps us to reveal the three-dimensional structure of the basic principles of how chromosomes and their role in genome function," said Fraser. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCIENCEDAILY | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 4359]
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