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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Is it true that Human are not from Earth?

An American ecologist up with such a surprise opinion. He claimed, that humans are not from Earth. Human existence on Earth moved by aliens on tens of thousands of years ago. In his new book entitled "Human Are Not From Earth: A Scientific Evaluation Of The Evidence," Dr. Ellis Silver revealed that a number of physiological features whose not show the evolution of human life on Earth.
The new findings supported some ecological disability (human interaction with their environment), as humans often feel back pain due to the low gravity, skin burns too easily, and often have difficulty giving birth. "Ecology defects give the mark that the human are not from the Earth," said Silver, as reported by the Daily Mail, on November 19, 2013.

He added that the possibility of human beings are the fastest creatures growing on Earth, but in their life did not match the Earth's environment. Humans often harmed by sunlight, didn't like natural food, and have many chronic diseases. "There's no other living creatures on Earth beside human which have such a problems," said Silver.

"I strongly believe humans are not designed to live without exposure to sunlight. Unlike lizards are able to live without exposure to sunlight for weeks," he added. Silver also reveals, human actually comes from a different planet. Human may have been transferred to Earth by a race that is already very advanced.

"The reason for that opinion is the Earth as a prison planet. Beings who often do violence moved to the Earth, that is why we (humans) have to learn to behave on Earth," said Silver. He said, his book deliberately created to bring the debates, not as scientific evidence. To be a scientific evidence, he hopes lot of other researchers will doing advanced research.

"My thesis is proposed that human beings evolved elsewhere, and then moved to the Earth as Homo sapiens at 60,000 up to 200,000 years ago and evolved into humans like today, and will continue to evolve," said Silver.

Silver's claim was well-founded. The initiative, several other researchers say that the first bacteria on the Earth originated from space. And an astrobiology expert from the NASA reveals that life on Earth came from space.

Meanwhile, according to Professor Wainwright from the University of Sheffield, England revealed his plans to roll out an advanced research of Silver's claims. He strongly believes that the life on Earth originated from space. So the next question is, Where does we come from? *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILYMAIL | UFO-BLOGGER]
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