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Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Dinosaur Fetal Fossils was found in China

Research about dinosaurs now gone a step further, after the paleontologists find fetal fossils of dinosaur from about 197-190 million years ago. These findings open the door of the research process of fetal development prehistoric animals.

Robert Reisz, a palaeontologist at the University of Toronto in Mississauga, Canada, and his colleagues discovered the sauropodomorph fossils in a bone bed in Lufeng County that dates to the Early Jurassic period, 197 million to 190 million years ago. The site contained eggshells and more than 200 disarticulated bones — the oldest known traces of budding dinosaurs, the researchers report published in online journal Nature on April 10, 2013.
International researchers in China have unearthed perfectly preserved dinosaur embryos - one egg contains a tiny creature curled neatly in the fetal position - dating back 190 million years, making this the oldest discovery of its kind. (Picture from: http://www.theglobeandmail.com/)
It comes from sauropodomorph species, plant-eating dinosaur that had a long neck. When found, the body that had been buried under the petrified Lufeng City, China. Investigations showed that the layer formed on the Early Jurassic period, when the Earth was inhabited by dinosaurs dominant.

Bones from Lufengosaurus embryos 
(like this femur shown in cross-section)
have yielded new information about 
dinosaur development. (Picture from:
"Most of the tracks were discovered dinosaur embryos derived from the lime period," said paleontologist from the Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto, David Evans. Lime period occurred approximately 145-65 million years ago.

However, not only the age of the fossil record that makes the experts to be happy. Based on the analysis spekstroskopi, bone tissue showed the oldest organic matter in fossilized dinosaur land. In fact, such a network can be easily damaged due to the nature of the hollow and thin bones. Changes in weather and ground water flow easily make this material decayed. "There is also the possibility of other dinosaur fossils have organic remains," he said.

When observed in detail, researchers find the complexes protein, such as collagen. Each species has a different collagen components, so that further analysis can be used to compare the structure of the smallest of these ancient animals. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NATURE | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 4201]
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