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Monday, May 20, 2013

How to blacken gray hair back?

The age is identical to the growth of gray hair, but there are times when gray hair grow too early so that it can interfere with performance. Now the researchers team from several universities in Europe had found a formula to repel gray hair and restore hair color.

Will gray hair become  
a thing of the past? (Picture from:
Through the scientific reports published online in journal of the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology (FASEB), at the end of April, 2013, the researchers revealed the gray hair growth process. Hair bleaching process occurs due to an accumulation of hydrogen peroxide and peroxynitrite in the hair follicle (hair root bag). Buildup of hydrogen peroxide happens due the hair follicles which damaged and broken.

The buildup of these chemicals eventually trigger hair color fading from the outwards core. It occurs because the hydrogen peroxide blocking the normal production of melanin, the pigment that responsible for color of our hair, skin, and eyes.

The research team had found the gray hair producers have compound that can be overcome by administering a topical compound called NB-UVB in the presence of PC-KUS. UVB alone is an ultraviolet light that can be harvested from sunlight.

"Our findings suggest the hair bleaching treatments can be improved," said Karin U. Schallreuter, researchers from the School of Life Sciences University of Bradford, UK.

This cosmetic treatment is also effective for vitiligo skin disorder. Vitiligo patients experience a loss of pigment in certain parts of the skin. Consequently, pale white skin appear on the body of the patient. In the United States, the vitiligo is suffered by 1 of 2 million people.

Gerald Wejssmann, editorial director of the FASEB journal, praised the findings. According to him, for the first time the problem of gray hair can be treated directly from the root of the problem. Moreover, these treatments can also treat the vitiligo.

"These findings could have an impact on the socio-emotional mostly because it can improve the quality of life," he said. Although it has been shown to be effective, researchers have yet to specify when this treatment is offered to the public. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE | FASEB | MEDICAL NEWS TODAY | ANTON HILMAN | KORAN TEMPO 4223]
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