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Friday, March 29, 2013

Weather Modification Technology

Weather modification technology is often used to supplement rainfall or bring rain. But with some slight modifications, weather modification technology could also be used to block rain or rain forced in a place that is not so in other places hit by heavy rain fell early. With these modifications, weather modification technology can be used to anticipate (or could be interpreted to prevent) the occurrence of flooding due to heavy rainfall.

Weather modification technology is often used by countries in the world. Russia has always claimed to successfully make the weather in Moscow is always shining brightly without rain during the celebration of Labor Day (May Day). Russia did so by way of the application of weather modification technology. In addition, this technique is also effective when used the 1980 Moscow Olympics. At that time, the weather modification techniques successfully made the sun shine brighter skies over Moscow Olympics took place.

In addition to Russia, China also often do weather modification. China's weather modification has been practiced since the 1950s. Approximately 30.000 efforts have been made to bring rain by China with a budget of about U.S. $100 million (or approx Rp. 970 billion). China setting up hardware and other equipment for weather modification (bring rain or dispels showers).

This country has a program to modify weather in the world. The success of China's weather modification in one of them has been proven as the 2008 Beijing Olympics, when it rains it does not go down in the city of Beijing and the sky became clear that the 2008 Olympics opening party lively without the gray clouds and rain.

While in Indonesia, weather modification technology has been commonly used since the first. Some parts of Indonesia uses this technique make it rain in the dry season to fill the reservoir. In addition, often used to flush the burnt forest and clearing the air of smog.
Cloud seeding using silver iodide crystals are directly distributed to the cloud by aircraft and generator from the ground. (Picture from: http://cr4.globalspec.com/)
Weather modification technology constitutes human efforts to disrupt the processes that take place in the cloud and the surrounding area so that clouds can quickly bring rains or it does not produce rain. Weather modification technology to increase rainfall is done by spreading seedlings hygroscopic materials measuring 1-100 micrometers (1 micrometer = one millionth of a meter) in the cloud. Seedling material is silver iodide crystals (crystal or silver iodized table salt). The spread of silver iodized salt can be done directly deployed in the cloud (from the air) by plane, or from the ground by a flare tower, generator and launch rockets with warheads silver iodized salt.

Size of silver iodide crystals are used as seedlings vary different functions. Silver iodide crystals measuring less than 10 micrometers works to increase the energy supply of the cloud so that adds moisture into the cloud and cloud growth. While silver iodide crystals larger than 10 micrometers serves to accelerate the processes in the formation of rain clouds and the rain fell fast. To add precipitation, clouds sprinkled with silver iodide crystals is a cloud that is expected to produce rain in areas that require additional rain.

To accelerate the occurrence of rain, necessary modifications to the materials and reviewing seedling clouds will sowing. Materials seedling silver iodide crystals used are hygroscopic materials measuring seedling 10-100 micrometers. To be safe from the possibility of increased rainfall, seedling materials that can be used 30-100 micrometers in size. Mechanism to accelerate cloud seeding rain events this way and called jumping process.

Meanwhile, clouds are seeded clouds are still above the sea and is estimated (by measuring the wind speed and the position of the clouds) in the next three hours were still above the sea because the clouds were seeded into the rain will fall in the less than two hours due to jumping process.

The cloud seeding mechanism starting from the release of silver iodide crystals into storm clouds seeds. The cloud contains billions of grains of water and ice crystals. While silver iodide ice core contains a ready captured by water droplets or ice crystals in the clouds. Silver iodide also has a structure similar to the ice as condensation nuclei. Water droplets or ice crystals that condensed to a temperature below zero degrees Celsius later fused with silver iodide crystals and freeze. Ice crystals became large and heavy, and start to fall to Earth as rain or snow.

Notwithstanding the success of weather modification technology that has been done, but the weather researchers especially from the West, was not 100 percent sure of the efficacy of weather modification technology. The experts stated that weather modification is a promising technique, but it can not be proven objectively that technique is what works, not the other natural factors.

In addition, some experts also warned of the impact of weather modification. One consequence is to the rainy season in the region becomes abnormal. This is due to the disruption of the water cycle on Earth. As we know that the rain is part of the water cycle on Earth. Disturbances in the natural cycle will inevitably lead to adverse consequences for life on Earth. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | GUN GUN GUNAWAN | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 14032013]
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