Monday, March 25, 2013

The Colors of The Sun

Actually colorful sun when observed with wavelength respectively. NASA's Specialized ground-based or space-based telescopes can observe a colorful array of light far beyond the ranges visible to the naked eye. And NASA pores over those pictures, each of which conveys a different piece of information about different components of the sun's surface and atmosphere, the agency recently said.
This collage of solar images from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) shows how observations of the sun in different wavelengths helps highlight different aspects of the sun's surface and atmosphere. (Picture from:
Different wavelengths provide information about the different components on the surface anyway, and in the sun's atmosphere so by using different wavelengths, scientists can study the stars we are always changing with the constant each time.
Some of the wavelengths observed by NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) -- each of which is chosen to emphasize a specific aspect of the sun's surface or atmosphere. (Picture from:
For example, yellow-green light (5500 Angstroms), generally derived from material that has a heat range of approximately 5.700 degrees C. Ultraviolet light (94 Angstroms) is derived from the heat of the atoms reach 6,300,000 degrees C and a wavelength that we can use to see flames or prominensa.

The NASA's Solar 
 Dynamic Observatory.
By studying the images of the sun in various wavelengths, scientists can learn at the same time recognizing how particles move in the atmosphere and the sun's heat. Some examples of space telescopes were used to observe and study the sun is the SDO (Solar Dynamics Observatory), STEREO (Solar Terrestrial Relations Observatory) and SOHO (ESA / NASA Solar and Heliospheric Observatory).

The solar telescope gives us information about the wavelength in two steps. The familiar instrument known as spectrometer has a function to observe the number of wavelengths simultaneously and be able to count the number of available light wavelengths. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | FOX NEWS | SEPTI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 14032013]
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