Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Sesame Street Change the Child's Brain?

The scientists team from the University of Rochester in the United States study the effects of Sesame Street to children's intellectual abilities, such as reading and math. They scan children's brains to see how the neural pathways to change and influence intelligence. "Scanning is the first way to understand the development of the brain," said Jessica Cantlon, a cognitive scientist who led this study, on January 4, 2013.

Sesame Street is a children's educational program that was the precursor of modern educational television standard which combines education and entertainment. Puppet or muppet characters, such as Elmo, Kermit, Ernie, Cookie Monster, and Big Bird, are the popular figures in this show.
Sesame Street is a children's educational TV program. (Picture from: http://cartoonswalls.com/)
Cantlon said the research could open up a new understanding of brain development. Even the discovery of new therapeutic opportunities to address the inability of learning in children.

Researchers created "neural maps"
of the thought processes for children
and adults watching Sesame Street, 
and compared the groups. (Picture from:
To find out, a team of scientists compared brain scans of children with adults who watch the same shows. Scanning methods provide more complete information and direct about what is happening in the brain. The study included 27 children aged 4-11 years and 20 adults. All respondents watching Sesame Street for 20 minutes.

Then the scientists team analyzed the results of these scans with statistical algorithms. Then they create a "neural maps" of the thought process for children and adults.

The research is fitted with a standard mathematical IQ test and skills of verbal. As a result, children with "neural maps" which was more like the adults listed higher IQ test scores. "The structure of the brain's neurons grown in the same pattern as the get older, like other body parts," said Cantlon.

Cantlon said the encouraging results does not mean recommends children watch television more often. But there is no doubt that watching television affects a child's intelligence.

"This is evidence that children catch and process the educational shows on television," he said. The pattern of neural activity in the brain can affect children as well as converting the intellectual ability. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE | DAILYMAIL | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 4107]
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