Monday, February 4, 2013

Do the Fish Feel the Pain When Hooked?

When we seeing the fish hooked, then stretched, sometimes we think of how pain the fish was. However, that opinion was wrong. Fish do not feel pain while they are hooked and torn mouth.

A study conducted by a team of seven U.S. scientists from the University of Wyoming, concluded that fish impervious to pain. Why? These animals do not have the brain capacity to respond to pain. Reaction fish writhing and looked like pain, is a subconscious reaction to fish, not a response to pain.

After investigation, it turns out the fish do not have the sensor receptors as humans. These receptors respond to sensors that impair functioning and sending signals to the brain. In humans, the receptor that create pain. The leader of the research team, Professor James Rose said that they also found that the fish does not contain neocortical brain enough to respond to pain. The neocortex is the part of the brain that functions as a sensor perception, generate motion commands, and the ability to recognize objects outside.

Rose said, the fish may experience fainting or basic instinctive response, but it does not give rise to conscious feelings or pain. Reaction to the trout, because the fish is more uncomfortable. "There's a lot of conflict surrounding the issue of whether fish feel pain and can feel the fish. Anglers often stigmatized the sadistic and cruel. This is an unnecessary social conflicts," said Professor Robert Arlinghaus, one of the researchers told the Telegraph.
Angling on the River Dee, Grampians, Scotland, UK. (Picture from:
Mark Lloyd, head of the Anglers' Trust, said: "This debate about fish feeling pain has always been a red herring, so to speak. Anglers care passionately about the protection of fish stocks and do more than any other group to protect and improve freshwater and marine environments."

"Modern fishing tackle and techniques mean that fish which are released have an excellent survival rate and if fish are to be eaten, then angling is by far the most sustainable way of catching them."

An RSPCA spokesman said: "There are a number of studies which we believe provide enough evidence to show that fish do feel pain and this remains our view."

The findings contradict previous research conducted by the University of Edinburgh. Their findings suggest that nociceptor allows the creatures more reflexive and able to feel pain. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | TELEGRAPH | SEPTI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 31012013]
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