A number of universities and companies together to make a replica of a bionic man like in The Six Million Dollar Man film. On Thursday / February 7, 2013, the British Science Museum exhibit bionic man made with funds of U.S. $ 1 million (or approx. Rp. 970 billion). Rex is the name of this robot man, walked into the museum with dozens of visitors watched.
Rex is Robotic EXoskeleton, the robot created by British leading robotic expert, Richard Walker and Matthew Godden. Robot production funds derived from the British Television Channel 4 and the Smithsonian. This robot was made for a documentary to be aired on Channel 4 (C4) was.
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Scientists working for an upcoming TV show How to Build a Bionic Man assembled the most cutting-edge prosthetic limbs available today, creating an incredibly versatile robot person for around $1m. (Picture from: http://www.theprovince.com/) |
The purpose of the two institutions to make Rex is to explore the extent to which bionic technology developed during this day and what ethical dilemmas surrounding it. The host of Channel 4 program is Dr. Bertolt Meyer, a social psychologist from Switzerland who has a bionic hand worth U.S. $48,000 (or approx. Rp. 470 million). His left arm was disabled since birth. "It's exciting and a little scary. We may be at a point in science and technology in which we see the beginning of possibilities that go beyond the limits of evolution."
TV viewers will see the documentary based on Meyer's experiences. To attract viewers, the Rex designers create a replica of Meyer's face. Meyer's bionic hand is different from the conventional prosthetic controlled by the strength of the body. Meyer's hand is controlled by myoelectric signals generated by the muscles of the hand.
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Scientists have built a man from artificial limbs known as Rex which is made up of limbs and organs from around the world. (Picture from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/) |
Sensors convert that signal into hand movements. As a result, in addition to the traditional movement, this bionic hand users can deploy a set of programs to do the typing and other movements.
The Meyer's bionic hand is a special type of Touch Bionics i-Limb. This type is compatible with Bluetooth so that it can adjust the calibration and the motion of a computer or smart phone. "Kung fu style grip," said Brian Barrett of Gizmodo. Rex has hand that made by the company's i-Limb. The robot arm to move 26 degrees. Leg movements mimic the human calf muscle and Achilles tendon.
The Glasses are worn Rex sends an optical signal to an artificial retina that transmit signals to the Rex brain so the robot CPU. This signal is then used in conjunction with a cochlear implant, an artificial intelligence system as used Stephen Hawking (physicist who was paralyzed and could not write and speak again) with a voice synthesizer connected to the mind. With this system, Rex can interact with visitors of the museum.
One of the most amazing aspects of the Rex is a robotic leg. Rex uses a modified version made New Zealand company, Rex Bionics. A pair of legs allows him to walk without a cane, walker, or wheelchair. The robot legs attached to Rex is a iWalk Biom mechanical leg, which are manufactured in Massachusetts by the MIT Media Laboratory. The leg's creator is Hugh Kerr, who along East Company build prosthetic super. At age 17, Kerr lost his legs in a climbing accident. He succeeded in designing a sophisticated bionic legs. "This is not really fair. Advance prosthetic technology comes later, which can improve the amputation. They can be upgraded, but the human body can not be normal," said Kerr.
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The bionic man pictured alongside the apparatus that allows him to stand: It incorporates some of the latest advances in prosthetic technology, as well as artificial organs and a functional blood circulatory system. (Picture from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/) |
Channel 4 deliberately designing Rex has artificial organs in the body. This section highlights research into biomimicry, research aimed at replacing the internal parts of the human body, which is not yet approved by the American Food and Drug Administration.
Rex's kidney developed at the University of California San Francisco by micro-electromechanical researcher Shuvo Roy. Artificial kidney is expected to begin clinical trials in 2017. Kidneys were built with silicon nano filtration system, powered blood pressure in the human body. Roy artificial kidney mimicking human kidney filtration function through a filter that uses live kidney cells from the patient.
For the use of artificial organs to replace human body parts, the invite worries from various circles as expressed by George Annas, professor of bioethics and human rights at Boston University, warned about this bionic man. "I think, when it gets into our body," he said. "The danger is that we can change what it means to be human. Creating a new species which may be turned to bite us, similar to the myth of Frankenstein," he said. In the film, the creature given the freedom that eventually become destructive and uncontrollable.
Professor Robert MacLaren, from Oxford University, hoping patients completely blind will be able to see basic shapes and objects. Includes prosthetic for liver, kidney, pancreas, and spleen, thereby reducing donor organ donor body. It is expected the use of artificial organs is intended to make people back into a human and not become another. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SYNCARDIASYSTEM | DAILYMAIL | GUARDIAN | UWD | KORAN TEMPO 4141]