Thursday, January 17, 2013

Guest Post: Why do Users Still Prefer Windows 7 over Windows 8?

Since the release of Windows 7, the computing field has changed significantly. In the past, desktops and laptops differed from smart phones and tablets considerably.

In the past few years, however, the lines between these device classes have been blurred. In response, Microsoft has attempted to create an operating system that bridges this gap.

However, the release of Windows 8 has been met with poor reviews and little enthusiasm. Here are a few of the reasons why people prefer Windows 7 to Windows 8.

- Familiarity
While Windows Vista was unpopular, it came with many new computers. As a result, people became used to the interface. Windows 7 was similar, and the differences between it and Windows Vista were minimal. Windows 8, however, has departed from the paradigm established in the previous two iterations of Windows, and many users are reluctant to make the switch.

This is not a new trend; many people were uncomfortable with Windows Vista partially because it differed significantly from Windows XP. If Windows 9 implements some of the interface features of Windows 8, people may be more comfortable with it.

- Strange user interface
Windows, Mac and even Linux distributions share a number of user interface similarities. Programs are accessed on the desktop or through a drop-down menu, and programs are organized in a logical manner. On smart phones and tablets, however, this paradigm does not work well, and a number of different paradigms are used.

Windows 8 implements the Metro interface, which breaks from the traditional desktop metaphor. Despite the availability of this interface on Windows mobile devices, few are familiar with it, and many elements of this paradigm seem unfamiliar on desktops and laptops.

- Two user interfaces
Because Metro differ so greatly from the traditional desktop paradigm, developers have to code specifically for it. As a result, developers have to make significant changes to their code, and many are unwilling to make the change unless Windows 8 proves to be a success. Because of this, users often have to deal with two separate interfaces when using Windows 8.

The lack of seamless integration between these two user interface paradigms makes Windows 8 awkward and clunky. With the lukewarm reception Windows 8 has received, many development companies have stated that they will not implement a Metro interface unless sales improve in the future and Microsoft commits to the Metro interface wholeheartedly. Users are reluctant to upgrade from the seamless Windows 7 interface to one that is unproven and ungraceful.

- Few advantages
Because Windows 7 and Windows 8 run similar code bases and offer similar features, most programs developed for Windows will continue to support Windows 7. In fact, many still support Windows XP.

Coupled with the lack of other advantages, there is little incentive for current users of Windows 7 to make the upgrade. Upgrading is relatively expensive, and Microsoft has not provided compelling reasons to make the transition. Almost all users of Windows 8 use it simply because it came with their computers. *** [By: ANDI G | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES]
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About the author:
Andy G is 28 years old geek from Austria. He maintains website dedicated to free firmware and drivers updates.
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