Monday, January 7, 2013

The Depiction of the Oldest Pharaoh Found

The archaeologists found carving in the rock depicting the oldest Egyptian Pharaoh. This old carving found on vertical rock at Nag el-Hamdulab, which is 4 kilometers north of the Aswan dam.

"We don’t know with certainty who the king represented at Hamdulab is. We can guess on paleographic and iconographic grounds," said Maria Carmela Gatto, ancient Egyptian researchers at Yale University and co-director of the Aswankom Ombo archaeological project in Egypt told Discovery News.
The main site of the oldest Pharaoh's rock carving in Egypt. (Picture from:
In this rock drawing it looks Pharaoh was a boat ride to the custody officer. Inside are a number of animals that are considered tax from its citizens. Style of carving indicates that the image is made in the end of the dynasty, about 3200-3100 BC.
An imposing flotilla testifies to the power and status of the pharaoh. This close-up of tableau shows five vessels accompanying the king. Four of the boats have the crescent shape or the animal emblems that mark them as royal vessels. (Picture from:
That time is the reign of Narmer, the first king to unite the north and south of Egypt, so it is considered by many scholars as the founder of the Egyptian Pharaoh. In the picture there is also a five ships, one carrying the king anonymous.
Three men on foot seem to be shaking their upraised fists at the boat in front of them. Based on other images from roughly the same time period, the researchers think the men aren't aggressors but prisoners: The features that look like arms thrust into the air are probably ropes tied to the men, whose arms are bound behind their backs. A second tableau nearby shows a prisoner who seems to be tied to a boat. (Picture from:
King followed waitress holding a fan and was preceded by the dog and regular maid. The eagle appears to the king, while the other three ships boast bull horn symbol. "Both the eagle and the bull is a symbol of royal kingdoms that emphasizes character on the ship," said Gatto.
Tax collecting on the rock carving in Egypt. (Picture from:
At the bottom of the tableau, one boat has a cabin vaulted according to the researchers is a sacred place. The ship was later changed to "divine boat". In front of the royal boat, there are four bearded men holding the rope. "Describing the whole scene when it was going on a religious procession pre-dynastic Egyptian king made ​​a tour victory when collecting taxes," the researchers said. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DISCOVERY NEWS | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC | LIVESCIENCE | ISMI WAHID | KORAN TEMPO 4101]
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